Sports betting and online gambling ETFs are booming on the stock exchange

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Maximilian Deininger 22. June 2020

Sports betting and online gambling ETFs are currently cutting a particularly good figure on the stock market. Compared to other investment funds, they seem attractive. Investors are therefore increasingly relying on ETFs from the area of online gambling on the stock exchange and distributing their facility various. This is also illustrated by a current report by the US news portal CNBC, according to which numerous investors are currently increasingly relying on an increase in value of the investment funds. The sports betting and online gambling ETFs experience a celebrated upswing.

More and more investors rely on rising courses of sports betting and online gambling ETFs.© Geralt/Pixabay)

Investments in themed fields through special ETFs

ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) have been an extremely popular area for investments and investments for several years on the stock market. Now sports betting and online gambling ETFs are currently appearing as an attractive alternative. For example, on the stock exchange, companies such as Draftkings, Penn National and Gan in the Fond Roundhill Sports Betting & iGaming ETF For investors one Investment option for special subject areas. These limit themselves from the traditional ETF sector and increase investment incentive, especially in more risk-friendly investors.

What are ETFs? ETF is the abbreviation for “Exchange Traded Funds” and describes investment funds that can either be bought or sold on the stock exchange. The developments and fluctuations of the values of indices such as the Dow Jones or the Dax are mapped as well as the securities of other listed companies. The actively and passively managed stock market -traded funds were originally referred to. The passively managed funds stand for the base index, of which only a minimal deviation is made in a direct system. Passively managed ETFs therefore form a comparison index. On the other hand, actively managed ETFs try to be better than the index. If you refer to the sports betting and online gambling ETFs, they stand for development in the online gambling market segment.

What do investors speculate?

Investments in stocks and funds on the stock exchange are an extremely popular value system these days. Depending on the risk of risk, your own money can be defensive to maintain value or aggressively for increasing the value, which of course also brings more risk. However, many investors often divide their investment and invest various, which Phil Mackintosh, chief economist of the Börsen operator Nasdaq, also confirmed in an interview with the US news portal CNBC. Above all, he also raised the area of the Sports betting and online gambling ETFs emphasis because these are more attractive than other index funds.

Overall, the recently tradable Roundhill Sports Betting & Igaming ETF includes around 30 shares from the sector of the sports betting and online gambling area. The ETF contains gambling companies from all over the world. The corporations come from Malta, Great Britain or Sweden, but also other countries such as Australia and the United States of America, from which more than 25 percent of the companies come back on the list.

The current high-altitude flight of the ETFs also has something to do with corona pandemic. After months of the lockdown, many arcades and casinos have opened their doors to guests again and the bookmakers also benefit from the continuation of the national sports leagues. This allowed the individual Recovers share prices of the gambling companies, which in turn strengthens the gambling ETF.

E-sports funds continue to become more important

ETFs from the E-Sport area are also currently on a high. The ETFs “Roundhill Bitkraft Esports & Digital Entertainment” and “Vaneck Vectors Video Gaming and Esports” achieve special price gains. Here, too, the global corona pandemic has a noticeable influence, since the interest in online gaming has increased significantly through the initial restrictions. Various bookmakers also reacted to the suspension of sports leagues with the Advanced offer for sports betting at e-sports events.