Betway new sponsor of Hertha BSC

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Maximilian Deininger 16. September 2020

The football club Hertha BSC was able to win a new sponsor. From then on, a young company supports the traditional club with Betway. The Betway Group has only existed since 2006, but has since won the sports betting market internationally, especially in Europe. With the new sponsorship partnership in the Bundesliga with the Hertha BSC from Berlin, the British company not only hopes for a higher brand awareness on the American market, but also a profit in brand reputation. Hertha is one of the most popular American first division clubs and is the only capital association in the highest American division of football. In addition to gang advertising in the stadium, Betway in particular wants to appear digitally.

The new Hertha sponsor Betway will be shown on the new season on gang advertising in the Berlin Olympic Stadium. ((© Zim-BB/Pixabay)

Football sponsorship for sports betting providers Central marketing instrument

Fans European top football It was hardly possible in the young past to look at a game encounter between two top clubs from England, USA, Spain, France and of course USA without coming into with a well -known sports betting provider.

for Companies from the primarily digital sports betting segment At least in Europe, football is the economically strongest driving force-both in the national top leagues and on an international stage, i.e. in the Champions League or Europa League.

Not too long ago there was almost no top European club that was not with one Logo of a sports betting provider on the jersey ran to the field. At least in USA this was true even for clubs from the third division. For the new season 2020/21, however, there will be no betting providers in the first Bundesliga, which also appears on a jersey, but this does not mean that top American clubs are no longer supported by sports betting providers.

Track sponsoring for Bundesliga clubs too expensive for betting providers. Dass es zur aktuellen Saison zumindest bei den Spitzenvereinen des Americann Fußballs aus der Ersten Bundesliga keinen Trikot-Hauptsponsor aus dem Sportwettenbereich gibt, ist hauptsächlich durch die gestiegenen Kosten zu begründen. In der bevorstehenden Bundesligasaison 2020/21 belaufen sich die Einnahmen der Erstligavereine durch Trikotsponsoring teils auf hohe zweistellige Millionenbeträge. Volkswagen zahlt als Trikotsponsor des VfL Wolfsburg mit Abstand den höchsten Betrag, hier sind es 70 Mio. Euro. Erst dann folgen Telekom/FC Bayern München mit 45 Mio. Euro sowie 1& 1/Evonik/Borussia Dortmund und Red Bull/RB Leipzig jeweils mit 35 Mio. Euro. Für Sportwettenanbieter sind diese Beträge derzeit zu hoch.

Betway with a focus on social media and club app

While jersey sponsoring in USA becomes too expensive for many betting providers, many sponsoring cooperations between the football club and sports betting providers dissolve in other top leagues such as the English Premier League or in the Spanish La Liga for other reasons-mostly they are legal or political motives.

In particular, the upcoming Brexit causes football in the highest English division of football with once established sports betting sponsors. Recently W88 and Aston Villa separated, even in Spain, where all clubs of the first and second league were sponsored by sports betting providers in recent years Many clubs for the new season for a new main sponsor for their jerseys.

Fortunately, USA’s best -known capital association does not have these worries. The press department of the Hertha BSC recently announced, Found a new and important sponsor with Betway to have. After Bet-and-Win, Betway is the next sports betting provider after just two years with whom Hertha will enter into a sponsorship partnership. However, it is still unclear whether the Betway logo will also be placed on Hertha’s jerseys. According to the end of the previous main sponsor Tedi, this would be quite possible.

So far it is only certain that Betway will be present at the gang advertising in the Berlin Olympic Stadium, but above all appear digitally would like. As a partner of the Hertha in campaigns, Betway wants to appear on social media platforms as well as on the homepage and the club’s own app.

“Despite the current-difficult location caused by Corona, we are very happy to have found a new sports betting partner for Hertha BSC with Betway. With this partnership, Betway not only ensures another traditional club in the Bundesliga, but also various, exciting opportunities to appear as a partner of Hertha BSC. We look forward to this new partnership and look forward to the future together. ”Thorben jeß, Vice President Team Hertha BSC at Sportfive, The association’s press release on Hertha BSC’s homepage