Lower Saxony agrees with GlüstV

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Peter Brandt March 22, 2021

Lower Saxony has approved the new Gaming State Treaty (GlüstV) in the course of the ratification process. The four voting parties in the state parliament approved the new legal framework, which is expected to come into force on July 1, 2021. Despite the successful ratification, however, there was disagreement between the individual parties. For example, CDU and SPD voted for the contract, the Greens and the FDP contained.

The Lower Saxony FDP explicitly criticized the taxation of the online gambling. ((© ️Bestoneonlinecasinos / Pixabay)

SPD emphasizes difficult negotiation phase

For a long time, the legal regulation of gambling in USA was a confusing patchwork, since the legal framework due to the federal system fell into the area of responsibility of the individual federal states. The respective prime ministers always tried to work out a nationwide solution in the collective, but often The measures adopted turned out to be not contemporary and non -transparent. This view was also the European Union, which repeatedly accused American gambling legislation. At the same time, Schleswig-Holstein tried to get his own, much more liberal legal framework. This resulted in the already confusing location in complete chaos.

The new state of Gaming should now end. In the course of the ratification process in the Lower Saxony state parliament, SPD MP Bernd Lynack emphasized the long negotiation phase that was preceded by the new legal document. All 16 federal states had always sat down at a table to a The best possible scenario for economy and society to create. The result was the new State Treaty, which both liberalized and regulated the gambling market in USA.

Ratification in state parliament The new state of gambling was already signed by the Prime Minister of the federal states. Now, however, it is important that the legal document is also approved in the respective state parliament. In this regard, the GLASTV goes through the so -called ratification process. A total of 13 federal states have to agree to the new legal framework so that it can come into force on July 1, 2021 as planned.

CDU welcomes regulation

As a CDU voice in the Lower Saxony state parliament, MP Rainer Fredermann welcomes the regulating measures of the new state of gambling contract. According to the CDU politician, the new legal framework meets the ravages of time, there The online segment of gambling is becoming increasingly important. For this reason, a liberalized and regulated opening of the market is essential to strengthen player protection:

“The steadily growing area of online gambling urgently needs to be regulated with good legal requirements. Otherwise, the danger for the players is much greater and the game protection is in no way. The new state contract relies on the strengthening of the player protection. ”Rainer Fredermann, CDU member of the state parliament in Lower Saxony, Official press release from the Lower Saxony CDU parliamentary group

The new interpretation for gambling advertising is also a step in the right direction. According to the regulations of the new Gaming State Treaty, the advertising and marketing efforts of the industry players may not be excessive in the future. At the same time, if possible, Minors except for advertising receivers be. Measures that Fredermann welcomes, however, is still skeptical about the practical implementation.

The installation of a higher -level Control permit, who observes the activities and operations to protect the player, the CDU politician also feels sensible:

“Minors are excluded. The players may set a deposit limit of a maximum of 1,000 $ , which applies across providers. So the loss of large sums can be avoided. “Rainer Fredermann, CDU member of the state parliament in Lower Saxony, Official press release from the Lower Saxony CDU parliamentary group

Greens criticize measures for addiction prevention

In contrast to the SPD and CDU, the Greens still see a need for action. The parliamentary spokeswoman Susanne Quantity criticized the planned measures for addiction prevention. These would are in no way in relation to the regulated advertising activities. One cannot legalize online gambling and accompanying excessive advertising. According to the Green politician, such a legal handling would only make the fight against gambling addiction difficult. In this regard, there was a lot of serious allegations. The state is not primarily concerned with addiction prevention, but high tax revenue would be the overarching goal.

There was also criticism from the FDP, which, however, refers to the taxation of gambling. MP Christian Grascha said in the state parliament session that his game was fundamentally positive about the planned regulations of the gambling market, but in the core, some things were rather rather counterproductive. Especially the The party is critical of plans to tax the online gambling game. In this regard, the FDP politician pointed out the handling in other European countries, where only the gross game yield was taxed. However, the GlüstV stipulates that the entire game has to be taxed. From an entrepreneurial point of view, there would be a minus business, since there is a risk that the individual operators of the online platforms must pay compensation from their own pocket.

Abstention despite criticism Despite their criticism, the Greens and the FDP did not vote against the ratification of the Gaming State Treaty, since both parties are generally positive about the uniform regulation of the market.