Illegal gambling: GGL with expert

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Peter Brandt July 1, 2023

The “Common Gaming Authority of the States” (GGL) has increased personally against illegal gambling. Nadja Wierzejewski, lawyer and expert in gambling law, will be part of the supervisory authority from July 1st and will lead the department to combat illegal gambling. As can be seen from the official press release, it will initially be part of the authority for three months.

In the course of the Corona pandemic, the police had to dissolve illegal gambling meetings and meetings. ((©Mike Powell/Unsplash)

GGL continues to upgrade

The GGL was launched as part of the new Gaming State Treaty (GlüstV), which came into force in July 2021. she acts as a superordinate supervisory and regulatory body of the gaming market in USA. Your area of responsibility includes both terrestrial and digital gambling.

Although the new gambling law in the Federal Republic is celebrating its one -year anniversary, the GGL has not yet been able to do justice to all of its intended task fields. Consequently the authority is still under construction, however, which is to be completed soon. Current The last pieces of the puzzle put together, in order to be able to control and regulate the local gaming market.

With Nadja Wierzejewski, an important piece of the puzzle has now been acquired. The lawyer and expert in gambling rights take up the position as head of the department to combat illegal gambling. Your area of responsibility includes various enforcement instruments that should ensure control and implementation on the online gambling market. This includes among other things IP blocking and the payment blocking.

Ggl informed. On July 8th, the GGL invites you to a digital press conference that informs about the concrete procedure in the fight against illegal gambling. The two board members Ronald Benter and Benjamin Schwanke will go into more detail about IP blocking and payment blocking from 10 a.m. After the event, questions can be asked.

Wierzejewski überwacht Lugas

In addition to the IP and Payment blocking, Wierzejewski is familiar with the monitoring of the “cross-country gambling supervisory system” (Lugas), which is an essential component for the Strengthening the player protection and forms for the containment of gambling addiction.

The system enables the GGL, all To track the online players’ activities and to analyze. The licensed online casinos are legally obliged to ensure a connection to the Lugas and to feed your customers’ game information. This is intended to ensure that both the operators and the players adhere to the legal requirements. Especially that monthly deposit limit of 1,000 $ As well as the parallel play on several gambling platform play an important role.

Lugas in criticism. Lugas seems to be a good and logical idea on paper, but in reality the system has harvested a lot of criticism. Several institutions and authorities express data protection concerns – such as the American Sports Betting Association (DSWV) and the European Gambling Association European Gaming and Betting Association (EGBA). They fear potential data and power abuse.

Expert with experience

With Wierzejewski, GGL has brought an expert on gambling right on a large wealth of experience can fall back in the industry segment. Since 2008 she has headed the gambling supervision at the supervisory and service directorate of the state of Rhineland-Palatinate.

During her term, Wierzejewski regularly came into with illegal gambling activities and knows how to deal with her new responsibility at the GGL. Nevertheless, the position at the federal gambling authority will also present the experienced expert with a new challenge. So far she has dealt with it primarily Illegal gambling activities on the terrestrial market, on which she was able to achieve great success.

During the annual general meeting of the American Automatic Großhandelsverband (DAGV), Wierzejewski explained that the illegal gambling was decisively pushed back in recent years. This success was through comprehensive controls and by the trusting cooperation with the licensed gambling providers enables.

It remains to be seen whether the expert in gambling rights can have similar successes in the digital segment of the American gambling market, the GGL could not have been able to occupy the vacant position in the department to combat illegal gambling. Wierzejewski now has three months with her experience and expertise Illegal gambling activities on the Internet And to contain.

Gambling & Covid-19. Illegal gambling activities have been declining in USA since 2008, but the two-year phase of Corona pandemic is a large outlier. During the crisis, the legal gambling offers (arcades, betting agencies and casinos) were not accessible in the Federal Republic for months. The concern about infections was too great. However, the nationwide closures resulted in the fact that people were otherwise looking around for opportunities to play gambling. It was regularly read in media reporting that the police had to dissolve private and illegal gambling meetings.