Gambling donates for Ukraine

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Peter Brandt March 7, 2023

The gambling industry solidarizes with Ukraine and collects donations for the war -sized country. Corporations, organizations and institutions from the industry want to support the Eastern European state in the current emergency. Since February 24, 2023, the state of war in Ukraine, which was triggered by the Russian invasion.

People have taken to the streets worldwide to demonstrate for peace in Ukraine. ((© Gayatri Malhotra/Unsplash)

War of attack by Russia

Of the Russian attack war against Ukraine has the Balance of the world sensitive And many victims already demanded. The Russian army attacks the western neighbors from several directions, but meets bitter resistance – both militarily and humanitarian. The global community has closed behind Ukraine and provides the country with weapons, medication and other resources. The gambling industry also wants to contribute its part and provides financial resources in the form of donations.

Already early after the Russian attack, the “Parimatch” gambling group showed solidarity and announced through LinkedIn to want to provide financial support from the country. The company was founded in the Eastern European state and accordingly maintains a very special relationship with the country. The gaming company wants to provide around 30 million UAH as a donation. That is almost one million $ . Should with the money Ammunition, medication and food are bought.

The also financial aid has Gambling giant Entain announced. The group based in Great Britain wants to Provide around 50,000 GBP – around 60,000 $ – and stand by the country during the invasion.

Post on LinkedIn. Just like Parimatch, Entain announced his support via LinkedIn. The gambling group donated around 50,000 GBP on March 1st on March 1st to provide humanitarian aid for those affected in Ukraine. The donation was paid to “Crown Agents”. The non -profit organization has been working in Ukraine for 25 years and enjoys a high reputation in the country. The money is intended to provide medical equipment to supply the injured and wounded in the bombed areas.

Initiative collects 250,000 GBP

In a joint campaign, various representatives of the gaming industry have merged into an initiative that Heares in the name “Gaming Industry for Ukraine”. Which groups, brands and organization of the gaming sector is part of the shoulder is not known, but with common forces the goal is to collect a total of 250,000 GBP for Ukraine.

The donation campaign runs via the crowdfunding platform “Gofundme” and is Not exclusively for representatives of the gaming industry Reserved. Companies and organizations from other industry as well as private individuals can also submit donations. As soon as the goal of 250,000 GBP is reached, the money collected should go to the aid organization “Choose Love”, which supports refugees from war zones with emergency goods.

Great response. The donation campaign “Gaming Industry for Ukraine” was only launched a few days ago, but is very well received. At the current time, 102 accounts have donated over 60,000 GBP. “Clarion Gaming” is also one of the donors. The well -known brand from industry is the organizer of the “Ice London” gaming fair.

Sanctions for Russia

The global community has not only put itself behind Ukraine in solidarity, but also sentenced the procedure of Russian President Vladimir Putin to the sharpest. Direct military support from NATO has not been carried out to the present time, but the defense alliance and its members already have Hard sanctions for Russia pronouncedthat aims primarily at the country’s economy.

Many NATO countries drastically shut down their trading activities with Russia. In addition, the aggressor was partially excluded from the international telecommunications network Swift (Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication), which is intended to significantly impair the Russian financial system. Overall are round Seven Russian banks affected by Swift exclusion.

The sanctions against Russia are noticeable everywhere and include many areas. For example, the “Casino Maltese”, a social club, put the Russian ambassador Andrei Lopukhov in front of the door. As a reason, the management of the gambling facility stated that Russia with its invasion in Ukraine violated against international law And unnecessarily suffer and cause death.

Shooting in sports. There were also sanctions against Russia in sports. Both the Russian national soccer team and all football clubs from the country were closed to FIFA and UEFA events. In basketball, some clubs even boycotted their scheduled encounters against teams from Russia.