Hit against illegal gambling

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Peter Brandt 15. September 2021

In the Rhein-Sieg district, the police smashed an illegal gambling ring through a large raid. According to agreed media reports, a total of nine institutions in the cities of Siegburg, Sankt Augustin, Bonn and Troisdorf were searched; Including several restaurants, apartments and club rooms. These were stormed by the special task force (SEK) before the police officers searched.

In addition to the large-scale raid, there were also several searches in Cologne that have concentrated exclusively on Shisha bars. ((©Awesome Sauce Creative/Unsplash)

Caught in action

According to the police, the focus of the large raid was on Two cafés in Siegburg and Sankt Augustinthat are said to have played a central role in the civil servants’ investigations. In your access, the SEK burst into the gambling activities of a total of 20 people, which significantly simplified the subsequent investigation.

Possible use of weapons. According to Robert Scholten, spokesman for the Bonn police, the SEK was required as part of the raid, since the possible use of weapons of the suspects was in the room. So there should have been indications in advance that some suspects are said to have had an incredible arsenal. In order to avoid a confrontation with firearms, the surprise moment guaranteed by the SEK was the key to success.

As a result, the game situations were immediately dissolved and the suspects were taken into custody. The police confiscated evidence such as gaming tables and machines as well as cubes and playing cards. The suspects were examined on site. In order to compress the burden of proof, the The suspects searched for private addresses made. The investigators found both stressful documents and cash of 40,000 $ . In addition, assets were collected in the higher six -digit range. Real estate would have been among them.

There was also a similarly quick access in a café in Bonn Kaiserstrasse. As Robert Scholten announced, the Bonn police Also caught around 20 people in the act. The suspects gambled on machines and dice games for real money gains were also part of the backdrop. During the interrogation of the suspects, the police have all Play tables and machines either confiscated or destroyed.

Money laundering. At some locations, the police suspect money laundering that is operated under the guise of gambling. For example, several slot machines were found in a game club in Sankt Augustin, which, according to an anonymous source, were used for money laundering. In the course of the search, two suspicious men were arrested.

Raid in eight shisha bars

There were also raids in the Cologne area. According to reports from the General-Anzeiger, the police searched eight shisha bars. The basis for the large -scale search campaign are Outstanding payments of the respective business been. Although illegal gambling was only sporadically involved in the raids, the police were still able to find criminal machinations.

Together with the regulatory office, building supervision and customs, the officials had discovered numerous violations of applicable law in the shisha bars. In addition to non -controlled tobacco, the disregard for labor law also noticed in several cases. There was also a specific suspicion of illegal gambling. In some restaurants are Slot machines without a valid test seal have been set up. Furthermore, partially hidden betting agencies were grown, which were built without building permission.

Raids in shisha bars. Shisha bars are always part of police raids, since in some restaurants the business with the hookah only serves as an excuse for criminal business. The police’s searches are often covered by the press landscape.

Monthly preparatory work

The coordinated blow against that Illegal gambling According to the police, the police were only successful because intensive preparatory work was done in the months before. The aim of the investigations is one from the start professionally acting gambling ring was that the officials were said to have had far in front of the planned raids on the note. A special task force under the name “EG Jackpot” was created for perfect preparations.

EG Jackpot. According to the police, the special unit made up for specialized criminal officers from Bonn and the Rhein-Sieg district. Due to their expertise and experience, in the course of the investigation of the suspicion, a total of six suspects have an illegal and organized gambling ring.

Overall should be around 250 officials part of the task force have been. Thanks to their commitment and devotion to the operation, it was possible to catch several suspects in the act and smash the gambling ring.