An above -average year for gambling groups

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Lennart folder February 15, 2019

Just in time for the beginning of the year, the corporations and companies in the gambling industry be about to disclose their balance sheets of the last financial year. The highly expected numbers are not yet available from all industry giants, but there are already some exciting companies. The balance sheets also promise an above -average successful financial year 2018. A look at the figures brings certainty.

At the beginning of the year, the companies in the gambling industry regularly publish their balance sheets of the last financial year.

The first balance sheets of the 2018 financial year of companies and corporations from the gaming industry are open. the GVC Holdings, parent company of bookmakers like Ladbrokes, Sportingbet or Bwin, was one of the first industrial giants to publish his balance sheet in 2018 for insight. This did not happen without pride on the part of the GVC Holdings, after all, the increased sales figures in all areas convince.

Only in Great Britain domestically decreased by three percent, which a spokesman for GVC Holdings founded with the above -average comparative figures from the predecessor year 2017. Basically could The total turnover of the GVC Holdings increased to three quarters of billion $ will. The strongest growth recorded the online business. Here sales could be increased by a whopping 19 percent. A total of six percent of them date from the fourth quarter of 2018 alone. After the publication of the 2018 financial year, the stock market course increased by more than two percent, which Kenneth Alexander, CEO of the GVC Holdings, had a positive result.

“The group’s performance in 2018 was excellent. The strong dynamic reported in the third quarter also continues in the fourth quarter. We exceed the market considerably and are represented in all important regions. Since the group can take this momentum into the new year, we want to take the opportunity to drive both Ladbrokes integration and the sports betting joint venture with the MGM resorts. The board is convinced that the group group is doing very well and that we are well positioned for a successful 2019. ”Kenneth Alexander, CEO der GVC Holdings

Gan’s need for software grows, sales figures are increasing

A clear Increase in sales The software developer Gan was also able to record. For more than 15 years, the company has been providing technical solutions and software for a wide variety of customers who not only come from the online gambling sector, but also inpatient providers of gambling. Bookmakers or arcades are also increasingly falling back on the GAN software.

For Gan, 2018 was a particularly successful. The company could have one Generated total sales of 10.5 million $ . The expected figures for 2019 also promise a positive development. According to a speaker of Gan, this is related to the continued growth of the industry. Innovative technology solutions are more and more popular in the gambling industry. Due to the growth of the industry, the need also increases.

Positive balance sheets not in all companies

Although the strong and persistent growth of the industry suggests good numbers everywhere, not every company from the gaming sector is currently swimming on the wave of success. The expected sales of the Las Vegas Sand Corporation, which operate several casinos in the USA, had to be corrected downwards. Instead of the planned 3.52 billion US dollars, only in the balance sheet A total sales of $ 3.48 billion be recorded. That I The legal situation for gambling has recently loosened up in large parts of the United StatesAccording to some industry experts, the value should increase again in 2019.

Again of profit for the English bookmaker William Hill

Not only positive figures also come from Europe. The British bookmaker William Hill, who is known nationally from various sponsorship contracts, among other things, presented a less gratifying balance. Overall, the gambling giant showed a decline in profit of a whopping 15 percent before. The reasons for the decline are diverse, but are primarily due to the expansion of the operational business and the introduction of an addiction prevention program.

Despite this, the British company’s profit was around 270 million $ . But this number does not deceive the decline in profits and the uncertain look into the future of the bookmaker. According to reports from insiders, the gambling giant plans The closure of around 900 betting shops in Great Britain. The decisive reason for this step is the future stronger regulation and restriction of the Fixed ODDS Betting terminals in the betting shops. The drop in profits should be so blatant, probably several million $ that a complete closure of the betting agencies makes more sense.

After years of the apparently unstoppable rise, William Hill is faced with a significantly rockier section of the success. The course of the coming year should not only be interesting for the English bookmaker, but also for experts and observers in the industry. However, this curiosity certainly refers to the entire gaming industry. Furthermore, some balance sheets for 2018 from other large gambling groups are still missing. The coming weeks will certainly keep one or the other surprise ready.