Spanish gaming market with growth record

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Peter Brandt 6. June 2019

The fact that the entire gaming industry is currently experiencing a change and never before that – and this almost in the world – is now known, especially since this development does not seem to be in the end. This assessment is now also confirmed in Spain. A new growth record was set up in the country on the Iberian Peninsula in the first quarter of 2019 if a comparison with the same quarter was made a year earlier. Growth engine is above all the online market.

In contrast to the previous year, the Spanish gaming market had a growth of around 20%.(©Pixabay)

Sports betting on the advance

The gambling world is changing, now also in Spain. The state gambling authority there recently published the General Directorate of Planning of the Game (DGOJ), a report on the current gross games in the national Spanish gambling sector. And these numbers should be very gratifying for many gambling providers. In the first quarter of 2019, 193.3 million $ generated. this may seem low compared to other countries, but must be relativized. because for a long time, gambling played no or at least only a subordinate role in spain. however, this changed with the law 13/2011 of may 27, 2011. since then, private gambling providers, also from abroad, have been opened the door. these can legally offer gambling in spain if they have a state concession. already in the first three months of 2018 there was growth compared to the first quarter of 2017, which was still relatively low at 2.14 percent. a year later, the increase in sales is already clearer: A good 20 percent the gambling sector gave up. Sports betting in particular is responsible for this. Over 52 percent of the revenues are on regulated sports betting. In the year, growth here is even over 26 percent: from EUR 81.7 million in 2018 to EUR 100.8 million.

Online casinos grow-poker with declining numbers

But online casinos also add. Although the numbers here are not quite as impressive as in the sports betting sector, digital casinos on the Internet also have their share in the upswing of the gaming market in Spain. In absolute numbers the Sales from 56.6 to EUR 67.1 million in the previous year’s quartals comparison. as a percentage, this is an increase of 20.2 percent and thus representative of the entire spanish gaming market. it is interesting in this regard what proportion the individual gambling types that are offered in online casinos have total sales. for a long time it was above all Online-Poker, which was very popular in Spain and provided horrendous sales figures. For several years now, however, the poker hype has been fleeing-but not only in Spain, but in many parts of the world.

  • Online poker: EUR 21.2 million sales / -1.4 percent in 2018
  • Slot Games: EUR 37.5 million sales / +16 percent in 2018
  • Online bingo: EUR 3.2 million sales / -8.6 percent to 2018
  • Online-Baccara: < 3 Mio. Euro Umsatz / +1.200 Prozent zu 2018

As can be seen, online casinos benefit above all from the current popularity of the Slot Games. in any case, digital slot machines are currently celebrating an unprecedented upswing on the internet, which should also be related to the fact that the variety of games regarding the presentation, topic and process in recent years has also increased significantly due to the technical development. but even if slot games can be considered a big winner in absolute numbers, it is apparent Online The gambling, which will experience the greatest growth in 2019. This should be relatively easy to explain by the fact that Baccara is very popular with the local visitors in stationary Spanish casinos, but this gambling was hardly offered by online casinos due to the frequent focus on roulette, blackjack, poker and slot games.

Public discussion about gambling advertising

The question remains what the sudden and exorbitant growth of the Spanish gaming market can be explained. The increased investments in marketing play a not insignificant role. Gambling providers in Spain gave gambling providers in the first quarter of 2019 A total of 92.2 million $ out. interestingly, this is one compared to the same quarter of the previous year Increase of 21.4 percent and with it analog growth on the gross player yields of the industry. curiously, in the fourth quarter of 2018, a little more funds were invested in gambling advertising. in the short perspective, the expenses are even slightly declining. however, advertising for gambling seems to work in spain, but as usual, this commitment is not only positive in public in the south of europe, which would explain why the total expenditure for advertising has decreased slightly. of the Spanish civic representative Francisco Fernández Marugán had recently spoken out publicly for a total ban on gambling advertising, but so far no success. in view of the economically lucrative development of the industry, politics is also likely to tax income Only a limited interest in stopping the growth of gambling companies in Spain.

“If we assume that this is a free society, and we do that, we have to give the advertisers the freedom to advertise where they want to advertise. These are the rules of a free and democratic society. ”