
Science dedicates its own institute to gambling

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Lennart folder March 27, 2019

The importance of gambling grows – all over Europe and therefore of course also in USA. Apart from increasing sales figures and net gamers, the question remains what social importance the gambling in this country actually has in the meantime. The Ruhr University Bochum is now dedicated to this question. On March 21, the “Glüg” was launched at the legal faculty, a new Institute for Gambling and Society.

Professor Peter Huber was predestined as a keynote speaker for the Glüg opening ceremony.

Glüg sees itself as a joint project

It will be a separate building for Julian Krüper unfortunately do not give. but the professor will certainly be able to live well at the ruhr university bochum, because ultimately it is about a new exciting task. since march 21st, research has been carried out on an exciting topic at the university in the ruhr area. am Chair of public law, constitutional theory and interdisciplinary legal research In the future, the researchers will investigate the importance of gambling, how to do game stores or Casino US Casino offer, for society and its members. the focus is on the nebulous and actually unscientific concept of happiness. die Meaning of happiness in the game As well as its importance at different levels – with that many different scientists want to deal with. Because in addition to the numerous employees that are subordinate to Professor Julian Krüper, the Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf and the Bergische University Wuppertal also take part in the gaming project.

“It is a follow -up project. We have already dealt with the many legal questions about gambling regulation. Now we are trying to explore the many different aspects together. ”

Gambling interdisciplinary researched

The exciting thing about the new scientific task should above all Interdisciplinary approach be. In the future, the glüg will be concerned with legal questions, for example in tax or constitutional law, but also about economic or social science issues that are currently related to gambling and are part of a loud public discourse.

“With our research, we want to scientifically accompany the public and political discourse on gambling issues as well as evaluate and develop options for regulation.”

How exactly this interdisciplinary approach will be implemented is not yet clear. But it is certain that at best All possible dimensions of gambling should be researchedto gain knowledge if possible, the issues of our time can answer. for this, said krüper, it will be necessary to work closely with other organizations, associations, companies and people. if it is based on the scientists, the institute will become a Central information and exchange point for politics, administration, science and of course gambling companies in USA develop yourself.

Gambling institute also promoted by third -party funds

A look at a lender proves how much the private sector from the gambling sector is interested in a scientific discussion of central issues in gambling. Because the glüg is not financed solely by public funds. Third -party funds are also available. Westlotto and the Association of the American Automatism industry promote the scientists and the institute at work.

“It is unusual for private companies and the state. But it puts things on broad feet. If something is financed by third -party funds, you always suspect that you make yourself in common. But we are already working scientifically. “

In total, funds will flow to the institute over the next five years. After that, the results must be evaluated. Only then will it be decided whether Westlotto and the Association of the American Automatic Industry will continue to invest money. critics, however, complain about the independence of research if the financing of the project is partially secured through third -party funds. but this is not unusual. in 2017 the Total income from the Ruhr University Bochum at 585 million $ . Third -party funds were assigned 122 million $ , i.e. almost 21 percent. Nevertheless, a large part of the research is still financed by the federal government and the country. In any case, gambling in USA is also of interest to the tax authorities. North Rhine-Westphalia took up a total of 650 million $ on taxes from gambling offers in 2017. The economic importance of gambling can therefore hardly be described as marginal, which is why this point will also be a central part of research on the glüg.

“But gambling also has an enormous economic importance. The state is there. “

The opening on March 21 was a great success. With Peter Huber The legal faculty also secures a well -known name as a keynote speaker, because Huber is a judge at the Federal Constitutional Court. In his speech, he immediately addressed the central – legal – questions about gambling. The glüg must now deliver answers.