
Novomatic with good ESG rating

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Peter Brandt December 7, 2020

According to Novomatic press release, the Austrian gaming operator has recently been awarded an excellent ESG Rating. This is a evaluation criterion that comes from the financial industry and is particularly interesting for investors. Aspects such as sustainability (environment), social commitment (social) and leadership or leadership and corporate culture (governance) are assessed. The ESG Rating is intended to help investors invest money in serious and future -oriented companies – which apparently also includes Novomatic. Especially the spa value of the gaming company from Gumpoldskirchen in Austria should react positively to this latest award.

In the management of Novomatic, corruption and unethical action seem to be rare or not at all. ((©Free-Photos/Pixabay)

Novomatic confirmed as a future -oriented company

That the Novomatic AG from Austria to the largest and most successful corporations from the gambling industry counts, even non -identifiers in the industry should be aware. The company, founded in Austria in 1980, now employs over 22,000 people in around 50 different countries of the world. Gambling itself is offered directly or indirectly in more than 70 countries in the world via gaming technology from Novomatic.

It is not uncommon for corporations to be the size of the Austrian gambling giants but also negative headlines. The largest scandal occurred for Novomatic around The “Ibiza affair” from summer 2017 – A scandal that even had political consequences and still has. Less harmful to the image of the group, but for many former employees of the company was already the one caused by the economic consequences Forced financial statements of 120 employees.

So it’s good that there are once again positive news for the group from Gumpoldskirchen. Because according to its own press release, the company recently has 18.8 points in the so -called ESG Rating from the rating agency Sustainralytics receive. This would be Novomatic Take third place among 80 rated international gaming companies – A great success for the Novomatic brand.

What is the ESG rating? The ESG risk reviews of Sustainralytics are used as a key assessment criterion for the sustainability engagement of lendingers and lenders. ESG risk reviews should help to identify and understand financially relevant ESG risks and how these risks can affect the performance and success of a company. Central categories of an ESG rating are the areas of environment, social and governance.

Management of Novomatic Höchstreut

However, the positive result at the ESG Rating for Novomatic is not the only pleasant evaluation by a rating agency from the latest past. Also the Agency ISS ESG had only recently classified the Austrian gambling group with a “C rating”, which means nothing other than that Novomatic is one of the world’s most serious and future-oriented companies in the technology and electronics industry.

This as well as the latest rating by the agency SustaAlyytics, the leading days of Novomatic AG is particularly pleased about the Board of Directors of Johannes Gratzl, certainly also the shareholder of the stock market group, which, after the publication of the press release, should probably look forward to increasing price values. In the Novomatic press release, Johannes Gratzl emphasized that the latest ESG rating was evidence of the new, modern and future-oriented management and corporate culture of Novomatic.

“The consistently very positive reviews of leading international ESG rating agencies show that our efforts to improve our non-financial performance and to reduce the risks in connection with Environmental, social and governance aspects are rated widely above the industry average. We are very aware of our responsibility in terms of corporate governance and the social and ecological effects of our business areas and are working hard to pursue a proactive approach by implementing solid principles and best practices. For Novomatic, topics such as responsible entertainment, the reduction of ecological footprint as well as health and security at the workplace are part of our self -image. ”Allowed. Johannes Gratzl, Board at Novomatic, Press release from Novomatic for the latest ESG rating

Messages that affect Novomatic’s slightly scratched image and ensure a more positive public picture in Austria, but also in other countries in which Novomatic is active on business, will certainly come to the gaming company. Because in addition to the job cuts and the latest developments around the Ibiza affair, as ex-Vice-chancellor Heinz-Christian Strache, the group had brought the group to the Bredouill Legal lawsuits against Novomatic submitted become.

Due to high loss of game and supposedly inadequate measures to combat gambling addiction, numerous Novomatic customers who suffer from a diagnosed pathological gambling addiction have the Group sues for compensation – outcome open.