Closed betting shops in Bremen

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Maximilian Deininger 17. August 2023

Bremen has a total of 32 sports betting points that will remain closed after the end of the tolerance period. The regulatory office had sent any refusal notices to the four responsible betting operators last week and gave them the opportunity to submit the necessary documents for the approval process and to close their branches by August 5.

Currently no bets on football games in Bremen can be completed (©phillipkofler /

Sports betting are currently illegal

First the Tightening the arcade law, now the paralysis of the sports betting market – the game of chance in Bremen is currently in an extremely precarious situation, but which, however, was predictable in view of the legal structure.

So far, the 32 betting shops have not been considered legal or illegal. Much more they were tolerated by politics. However, this toleration phase was scheduled and expired on August 5th. From this date, all sports betting is considered illegal in the Hanseatic city.

Are on the Bremen sports betting market a total of four bookmakers – Happybet, Tipwin, Xtip and Tipico. According to the regulatory office, the franchisors received a so -called failure notice in July, which withdrawn the legitimation of their business activities in the state on August 5.

Ulrich Mäurer, Senator of Bremen, the non -transparent and sometimes sometimes gave the reason for the rigorous approach to the industry illegal capital flow of individual bookmakers an:

“Against the background of an extensive risk analysis by the Federal Ministry of Finance to industries that are particularly susceptible to money laundering, our central concern was to check the rightful origin of the funds required to impart sports betting. So far, the operators on site did not have to explain where they got their starting capital from. Here we saw a blatant gap and were the first nationwide at the state level with a change in the Bremen Gambling Act from July 2021. ”Ulrich Mäurer, Senator of the Interior of Bremen Official press release from the Senate press office

The Ordnungsamt in Bremen is currently checking whether all betting shops adhere to the pronounced ban. The authority receives support from the police who carry out controls. Should the betting operators not adhere to the law and continue to adhere to their business activities, Threats a criminal prosecution because of illegal gambling.

Documents for 19 betting agencies submitted re -submitted

Until August 5, the four bookmakers in Bremen had time to submit the required documents for the approval process for their branches. The documents are primarily the Source of funds and the paths of the capital flow. As Mäurer explained, 19 betting points have now submitted the corresponding documents.

According to the interior senator, a bookmaker has presented further evidence of the regulatory office for its three branches, which is currently being checked. After a first assessment, the assessment is relatively positive for the corresponding betting operator. A betting office at Bremen Central Station can also expect a similarly good result. The responsible bookmaker also submitted the necessary documents to the regulatory office. To Information from the Senate press office the required evidence of the authority was also sent for 15 other betting points, but which are not yet in the processing process.

Although a total of 19 betting agencies have complied with the demands of politics, they have to keep their gates closed for the time being. With the submission of the documents they are entered in a new approval processthat must first be completed to give the betting operators a legimitation. However, Mäurer recently assured that the procedures are processed quickly.

Approval refused! The Bremen Senator also dealt with a bookmaker in his explanation, whose approval process was directly rejected due to its criminal history.

Criticism from the industry

The decision of the Bremen Ministry of the Interior to temporarily paralyze the entire sports betting market has caused a lot of resentment to the industry associations and actors. You accuse Ulrich Mäurer with his rigorous approach, To operate reputation damage. however, the interior senator decisively rejected the accusation. in his opinion, the sports betting industry will be proven to For washing dirty funds misused from drug and human trafficking. Therefore, it is imperative that politics prevent and look closely.

No general suspicion In Bremen, no betting organizer is suspected of actually growing money. There would be no evidence of this. Nevertheless, the police are ready if appropriate findings arise.

Mäurer and the Ministry of the Interior from the DSWV (the American Sports Betting Association) received a lot of criticism, which reacted with incomprehension and outrage to the procedure of politics. However, the association did not leave it in a verbal exchange of blows, but announced that to proceed against the decision of the Interior Ministrythe biggest point of view is based on the communication between politics and betting operators. the dswv accuses the ministry of the interior that the betting operators have not sufficiently informed about the legal situation. however, mäurer also rejected this accusation and pointed out that the organizer and operator as early as july 2021 the biggest point of view is based on the communication between politics and betting operatorsthe biggest point of view is based on the communication between politics and betting operators. the dswv accuses the ministry of the interior that the betting operators have not sufficiently informed about the legal situation. however, mäurer also rejected this accusation and pointed out that the organizer and operator as early as july 2021 the dswv accuses the ministry of the interior that the betting operators have not sufficiently informed about the legal situationthe biggest point of view is based on the communication between politics and betting operators. the dswv accuses the ministry of the interior that the betting operators have not sufficiently informed about the legal situation. however, mäurer also rejected this accusation and pointed out that the organizer and operator as early as july 2021 however, mäurer also rejected this accusation and pointed out that the organizer and operator as early as july 2021 Receive a corresponding leaflet would have.