Mercury Sponsored Ses Boxing

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Peter Brandt July 8, 2023

The Merkur Spielbanken and the American boxing stable “Ses Boxing” have received a sponsorship deal. The subsidiary of the Gauselmann Group acts as an official year in the future and will be present with his logo-the laughing sun-at the events of the boxing stable.

The Gauselmann Group also works as a sponsor in amateur football. ((© Joppe Spa/Unsplash)

Kick off to the new season

The partnership between Merkur and “Ses Boxing” is dated for the 2023 season, which was heralded on May 14 with the kick -off event on the seaside stage in Magdeburg. The start of the season also marked the debut of Merkur Spielbanken as a new sponsor. The striking logo of the gambling company was emblazoned on the floor of the boxing ring and was consistently present. The entire event was there Translated live by the MDR.

In addition to the obvious brand presence through his own logo, Mercury acted a day before the season opener Location for the official weighing. The participating boxers returned to the casino in Magdeburg to determine their fighting weight.

Meanwhile, the social media account of the gaming company and the boxing stable were both VIP tickets and normal Advanced tickets to box fans.

SES Boxing. The boxing stable has existed since 1996 and is now a sports brand with an international reputation. Since its foundation, “Ses Boxing” has organized more than 150 professional boxing event and paved countless fighters the way into the professional area. Many boxers were able to secure the world champion or European championship title under the flag of the boxing stable.

Engagement in boxing

The recent sponsoring deal between Merkur and “ses boxing” is seamlessly involved in the commitment of the Gauselmann Group. The gaming group has been supporting boxing for several years And sponsored various events and events – as well as in October 2021. The laughing Mercury Sun was omnipresent at the World Cup between Robin Krasniqi and Dominic Bösel.

With his sponsorship activities in boxing, Gauselmann pursues two overarching goals. On the one hand, the company, which operates around three inpatient casinos in Saxony-Anhalt, would like to assure financial security and stability to box sport. On the other hand, the gaming brand hopes for the Expansion of your own range, so that a larger audience becomes aware of the company.

Lace quotas. The start of the new season couldn’t have run better. The MDR recorded absolute top odds for the live broadcast of the opening event, which runs under the format “Sport in the east-boxing Live”. Well -known boxers such as Lukas Konecny, Jan Zavec and Robert Stieglitz got into the ring for SES and attracted the viewers’ attention.

Gauselmann: Sponsoring in Sport

Boxing is not the only sport in which Gauselmann works as a sponsor. The industry giant has been over the years Devotion shallow-covering And today supports sport in many different areas.

The gaming group is that regional reference a major concern. Due to the financial means of their own foundation, which goes back to Paul and Karin Gauselmann, the company realizes various sporting projects in the local regions every year. The primary is about that Promotion of youth and young talent work. The regional sports clubs have also been financially supported by the Gauselmann Group for years-e.g. FC Prussia Espelkamp (football) and the TV Espelkamp-Mittwald (tennis club).

Also The group works in professional sports. For example, he has the role as the main sponsor of the handball Bundesliga club TuS N-Lübbecke and has been involved in the DSC Arminia Bielefeld for several years. The Bundesliga club is not only sponsored by Gauselmann, but also experiences a profound commitment by the group. This is in the “Alliance OWL” for the long -term preservation of the football club.

Merkur Spiel-Arena. In 2018, Gauselmann decided to expand the personal commitment in sport and also work outside the regional borders. As a result, the group received a cooperation with the city of Düsseldorf, which includes the name rights at the local football stadium-the Merkur Spiel-Arena

Merkur Masters: Sponsor in E-Sports

The Gauselmann Group sees itself as a progressive and modern company. Accordingly, it was not surprising when the company expanded its commitment in sports again in 2020 and appeared as the main sponsor in e-sports.

With the “Merkur Masters”, the group called for a two season Tournament for the video game “Counter Strike: Global Offensive” In life that is intended for both amateurs and professionals of the scene. In the press release at the time, Gauselmann justified his commitment to e-sports with the statement of wanting to set new standards in terms of sporting integrity and sustainable development of e-sports in USA.