Large raid in Wiener Casino

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Peter Brandt 9. June 2021

In Vienna-Simmering, the Austrian police searched the Concord Card Casino as part of a large raid. As the daily newspaper Kurier reports, around 22 officers are said to have examined the poker casino for illegal activities. In addition to the structure of the payment modalities, the employment relationships of the employed dealers and croupiers should also have been checked.

In Austria, poker games are only allowed in the state institutions of Casinos Austria. ((©Free-Photos/Pixabay)

Peter Zanoni im focus

The Concord Card Casino (CCC) belongs to the well -known entrepreneur Peter Zanoni. According to the courier, the recent activities of the CCC operator were the reason for the large-scale raid on the police. For example, Zanoni opened his poker casino in Vienna-Simmering via the Pentecost days without obtaining official permission. Since after the Austrian gambling law That Commercial poker game only reserved for the state provider Casinos Austria is, Zanoni violated the applicable legal framework with his activities.

However, the gaming entrepreneur sees himself with the opening of his poker casino in law. He had commissioned an official report that classifies Austrian legislation in the area of gambling as illegal. Since according to EU law throughout Inland space of the state of the state has freedom of competition and service, is the monopolizing application of the Austrian case law a clear violation. That is why it also enjoys Online casinos without registration Great popularity in the EU.

With these allegations, the government of the Alpine State was often confronted, At the valid legal situation So far, however, has not changed anything. Only casinos Austria is still allowed to operate on the Austrian gaming market.

No payments for players. According to KURIER, the major raid of the Austrian police put the company in the Concord Card Casino Lahm. The officials had found around 50 players who are said to have gambled at eight different cash game tables. In the course of the search, everyone should have left the casino immediately. As a result, it was not possible for the players to have their missions and profits paid. It is still questionable whether you can catch up with this in the near future. The financial police had closed the CCC until further notice.

Headlines around Zanoni

Peter Zanoni is no stranger to the Austrian gaming market. The entrepreneur has already drawn attention to himself in the past. The daily newspaper The Standard recently reported that the Corruption prosecutor (WKStA) Bettina Glatz-Kremsner, General Director of Casinos Austria. In March 2018, this was invited by Hubert Fuchs, then FPÖ state secretary in the Ministry of Finance To make a novelty proposal for the casinos Austria And to consider Zanonis concerns.

The connections between the people involved and their potential abuse of office could uncover a far -reaching corruption affair. At the time, the FPÖ intended to approve certain concerns of casinos Austria-e.g. IP blocking of foreign providers-if Zanoni also benefited from cooperation. At that time Glatz-Kremsner held the positions as vice party chairwoman of the ÖVP and as a board member of the Casinos Austria. Thanks to her offices, she should have been able to set up a corresponding draft law. However, this never came into force.

Financial ruin. The standard wants to have found that Peter Zanoni wanted to avert the impending ruin with the supposed deal. However, since the target profit failed to do so, the entrepreneur had to register the bankruptcy for all of his casinos due to high tax debts. With the recent reopening of the Concord Card Casino, he now wanted to take a restart.

Gambling remains the main focus

Gambling remains a hot and much discussed topic in Austria. The entanglements between politics, industry players and third parties are still processed by the responsible authorities. Everything is overshadowed by the Government Casino affair around Chancellor Sebastian Kurz.

After 18 months in office, the turquoise-blue government was faced with the investigation by the judiciary against the finance minister and the Vice Chancellor. The accusations: Peter Sidlo, FPÖ district council, was appointed to the chief floor of the casinos Austria despite insufficient qualifications. Hartwig Löger, then finance minister, is said to have helped with his influence. In return for the highly doped items are Casinos Austria promised new provisions of the Gambling Act has been expanded to expand the position of power and the income of the state gambling company even further.

Concrete promises. As a major shareholder of the casinos Austria, the Novomatic was made three promises in the supposed corruption scandal. In addition to national online gaming licenses, the gaming group should also have received a casino license for Vienna. In addition, political influence for the “little game of chance” in the capital was in the room. It was also about the end of the ban for new gaming machines.