Gauselmann trains specialists

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Peter Brandt 6. August 2021

After a multi-stage application phase, 48 young professionals compete with the Gauselmann Group. This was announced by the American gambling group by press release. The new generation of the game makers started their vocational training at the family business on August 2nd at a welcome party at Benkhausen Castle.

Among the young professionals, some are trained in the areas of electronics and IT. (© jathmoluk /

Focus on promoting young talent

The approximately 48 beginners would have in one MONTACTION PERSONS AGAINST AGAINST AGEASY OF 1,300 competitors. In the course of the multi-stage selection process, the new professionals were able to convince the Gauselmann Group of their skills. Accordingly, you can now start your professional career at the American gambling group. The 48 new professionals would divided into trainees and dual students.

Gauselmann group The American gaming group was founded in 1957 as a one -man company and is now considered a big player in the industry with annual sales of over three billion $ . The company works as a developer of game software, the manufacturer of slot machines and as an operator of casinos and venues on the European continent. The Gauselmann Group also operates in the cruise business and is successful in online gaming.

According to its own statement, the Young talent promotion is an essential part of the corporate philosophy at Gauselmann. For this reason, great importance has always been on the education own specialists. In total, the group employs more than 200 trainees and dual students in 20 different professional fields. Armin Gauselmann, deputy board spokesman, is correspondingly proud of his own promotion:

“Especially in such difficult times, it is important to support young people in starting their professional life. We feel committed to this social responsibility and therefore do everything to ensure that the young people feel comfortable, learn a lot and get involved. ”Armin Gauselmann, Deputy board spokesman for the Gauselmann Group Official press release from Gauselmann

Wide range of professional selection

As every year, Gauselmann Group has a wide range of her offspring and covered many professional fields. The group generally trains both in the commercial and commercial and technology area. For this reason, you see yourself as attractive training company that enables very good job opportunities. Lars von der Waves, Head of Human Resources, points out the high takeover rate in the company’s press release.

“We offer young people real career opportunities in our group of companies, because we traditionally have a high takeover rate. [This] is currently 76 percent – at the main locations in Espelkamp and Lübbecke, it is even higher at around 87 percent. On the one hand, the trainees benefit from the stability of a family company rooted deeply in the region and on the other hand from the international orientation of the successful group of companies. ”Lars from the waves, Head of the Central Sector of the Gauselmann Group Official press release from Gauselmann

The majority of young professionals would trained in commercial professions will. In addition to 18 industrial clerks, two training positions for warehouse logistics were also occupied. In addition, one person is trained as a merchant for the freight forwarder and logistics service as well as a wholesale and foreign trade clerk. In contrast, the eight machines have a direct connection to gambling. In addition, Gauselmann forms eight dual students from the field of business administration, logistics management and business informatics.

Difficult application conditions

However, it was a hard and stony path until the 48 selected applicants were finalized. Since the selection process had dragged on for several months, they would have Effects of corona pandemic the individual application phases difficult. The entire processes had to be held in digital form accordingly. In addition, the pandeMieDeDen would have Closures of the branches most of the potential applicants could not be addressed via direct in the branches. in contrast to last year, however, it was now possible again Traditional welcome program at Benkhausen Castle to prevent. For example, the new employees were welcomed together by the training manager Konrad Ostermeier, who highlighted the performance in the recruiting process in his welcome speech. In addition, the trainees would have received an introduction to the group of companies in the form of a presentation. Although the event was possible in analog form, the program was carried out in smaller groups due to the Corona regulations.

Schloss Benkhausen Traditionally, the Gauselmann Group receives its new trainees on the Benkhausen Gut, in the center of which is an impressive castle. The property is located west of the city of Espelkamp, which is one of the main locations of the gambling group, and now serves as a training center. Events of all kinds, further training, workshops and conferences can be held in a total of eleven conference rooms and 31 hotel rooms. In addition, the American automatic museum with a thematically structured representation is presented in the former barn of the castle.