Bad Neuenahr: Damage to the casino

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Peter Brandt July 23, 2021

The casino in Bad Neuenahr has severely damaged the destructive flood in western USA. The extreme waterfalls have hit the association-free city in Rhineland-Palatinate particularly hard and completely rated most of the municipality to the ground. In addition to infrastructure, houses and public buildings, the water masses also seriously affected the casino in the local spa house.

The continuing rains have turned into destructive floods in many western regions of the country. ((© Hans/

Kurhaus badly damaged

The casino in Bad Neuenahr, as the first gambling facility of its kind, has opened its doors to the public audience after the Second World War. The terrestrial casino is located in the time -honored Kurhaus in the city, which has been part of the community’s architectural image since 1903. Among other things, the casino offered its guests classic casino games such as roulette and Black Jack. But around 140 slot machines were also part of the game offer. But through the youngest Environmental disaster becomes Land -based gambling in Bad Neuenahr for the time being no topic be more. According to various media, the damage to the Kurhaus is too great for this.

Bad Neuenahr The city was created in 1969 through a merger with the neighboring town of Ahrweiler and today is called Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler. The gaming sector is relatively strong in the municipality with around 28,000 inhabitants by the famous casino, since the licensed range of games also attracts players from other places.

The massive rain in the region caused flooding within a few hours, which left a swirl of devastation within the old town. The spa systems around the Kurhaus were particularly difficult to hit by the water masses. As part of the entire building complex, the Kurhaus and the casino were also severely damaged. After initial investigations, the flood has the Building fabric of the construct completely washed out And entire walls are torn along. As the Rhein-Zeitung reported, the extent of the damage is so immense that only the hollowed -out roof maintains the statics somewhat.

Reopening not foreseeable

According to matching reports, what financial dimensions will bring with it will not be calculated at the current time. As in other affected areas, the clean-up and salvage work in Bad Neuenahr would first enjoy absolute priority. That does one Reopening of the battered casino difficult to assess.

The situation around the casino is also extremely complex, since the responsible staff Do not look at flood damage up close could. On the one hand, the status of the statics is too uncertain, on the other hand, the surrounding infrastructure is completely destroyed. For example, the casino bridge over the Ahr was washed away from the water masses. This had connected the Kurhaus to the clinics opposite.

Accordingly, an inspection is not possible, since the whole The village of a rubble landscape. Tough mud, mushy underground and the potential danger of collapsing buildings would be too much risk.

Long process Both politicians and residents assumed that the cleanup and reconstruction would take several months. Some parts of the cityscape have to be completely new. What role the Kurhaus will play in the corresponding plans remains pure speculation. According to the district administrator, the future of the casino is associated with a long process.

Unimaginable destruction

With every further day that passes and the water goes back, the unimaginable destruction even more tangible. Houses lie in ruins, furniture and cars are covered with mud and entire areas are washed away.

The damage to the infrastructure, especially the federal government, the federal states and municipalities, is causing great headaches. For example, motorways 1 and 61 in southern North Rhine-Westphalia were hit massively by the flood. In some areas were Parts of the road completely torn away. According to the policy, the renovation process cannot begin without quick and coordinated cleanup. The repair work would take several months.

It is similar in public transport. According to media reports, both in NRW and in Rhineland-Palatinate are more than 80 stations and stops damaged by the floods made. Most recently, American Bahn stated that track sections over a length of around 600 kilometers were destroyed or damaged by the pressure of the water masses.

Chancellor’s statement In a joint press conference with Malu Dreyer, Prime Minister of Rhineland-Palatinate, Angela Merkel tried to conduct sympathy and tried to describe the current situation. The Chancellor said that the situation was ghostly and that the American language hardly knows words for the devastation that was arranged in Rhineland-Palatinate.