
Netherlands with a role model for liberalization of online gambling

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Peter Brandt 11. September 2019

In USA you don’t always agree with the western neighbors from the Netherlands, especially when it comes to football. The Oranje more often had a look. But there are also areas in which the Dutch seem to be far ahead of the Americans, for example in gambling. As early as February, the Dutch Parliament had already approved a fundamental liberalization of the gaming market. This decision is underpinned by an investigation that dealt intensively with the advantages and disadvantages of online gambling and should certainly be interesting for American politics.

In a lecture by Dr. A.J. Van Rooij became one thing clear: the reservations against online gambling, especially with regard to the risk of gambling addiction, are not correct-on the contrary. ((© image source)

Online gambling in many ways attractive in many ways

In USA, there are almost always similar reasons that are given when it comes to why the gaming market should not be liberalized. Again and again American politicians point to them Danger of gambling addiction there. it is difficult on the internet to recognize problematic behavior and take countermeasures, especially when gambling is offered by private and profit -oriented companies and is not under state supervision. studies or other evidence of this claim are missing – at least so far. because in the netherlands the one there has Gambling supervision of Kanspelautoriteit at the behest of the government, a comprehensive investigation on the subject of online gambling. specifically, it was about the task of providing a holistic overview of the advantages and disadvantages to be expected if gambling was liberalized, as was already decided in february by the dutch parliament. the results are amazing. the results were presented in a lecture that was not open to the public, but the key statements of which are available online. the results were presented in the trimbos institute of Dr. A.J. Van Rooij, the project manager of the Gaming, gambling and media sciences. This pointed out that one had primarily oriented themselves at the neighbor Belgium. There has been intensive research on the knowledge area for years. The central statements were specifically on the subject of gambling addiction:

  • Gambling addiction can be found in all social social classes and in all age groups.
  • However, the Medium Internet in particular offers innovative and effective technical instruments to clarify and even identify them.
  • Especially compared to the inpatient gambling, there are even more prevention options online to fought play addiction. This includes, for example, digital self -closure or links to auxiliary institutes.

Experts accept online casino providers

However, even if the investigation turns out relatively clearly that the often attached risks in online gambling at all do not correspond to current knowledge and experiences, it must be intensively with that Topic gambling addiction be dealt with. at least this is claiming fred stuel, the other speaker at the event. stuel is the head of the first dutch clinic to specialize in the treatment of people with gambling addiction and bears the name hervitas. went during the lecture Fred Steuel in detail on physiological and psychological processes that take place in the brain when people take part in gambling. based on this information, legal regulations are to be found in the netherlands, which avoid from the outset that dutch is exposed to an overly danger if they play online in the casino. steuel illustrated his explanations on one Practical exampleto show which guidelines must be introduced before online gambling in the Netherlands is legal from January 1, 2021:

A patient treated in the clinic had accumulated debts of 25,000 $ for years because he was addicted to play. Previously, he had won 28,000 $ in an online casino with just one game. However, the casino provider had stipulated in his terms and conditions that higher profits could only be paid out in comparatively small parts. The patient was therefore forced to log into his account again and again. Here he was tempted by the online casino with offensive advertising campaigns to reinvest his money won until everything was playful. Out of frustration with the loss and the intention of bringing the lost money back, he then continued to play until he was in debt.

For Fred Stuel, it is therefore clear that online gambling in the Netherlands and in many ways can be advantageous, provided that the state is aware of it, What specific risks lures on players in online casinos. on the one hand, legal framework conditions would of course have to be created that prevent the methods of the casino providers described. on the other hand, it is also necessary to provide dutch gambling transparently in the coming months about what to pay attention to, they do not want to expose themselves to the risk of gambling addiction. overall, the netherlands also did a good preparatory work for other countries in europe, including USA, including USA, in which there is currently still controversy about the liberalization of online gambling-and also provided an information package, which is also provided on real experiences and sometimes empirical-scientific studies based. This has been missing so far.