
Merkur Casino now brand of the century

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Lennart folder December 9, 2018

The Lower Saxony Delmenhorst is not necessarily a world metropolis. Nevertheless, modern gambling started here, so to speak. Because here in northern USA Paul Gauselmann founded his first Merkur Casino in 1974. Merkur Casino GmbH is now market leader in its industry – and has recently been included in the encyclopedia “American standards – brands of the century 2019”, another milestone for the American gaming company with the laughing sun.

Mercury slot machines are among the most popular money profit machines.

Merkur-Sun symbol for economic success

Rather, the now 84-year-old Paul Gauselmann could not have wished 44 years ago. Because that a gaming brand once social and cross -industrial recognition It was hardly to be expected until a few years ago. But at the latest since November 14th, at least one thing has been clear: Gambling and game stores have become socially acceptable in USA.

In view of the economic figures, this should not be surprised. the Gauselmann group is an internationally operating group of automatic economy and generated exactly EUR 2.926 billion in 2017. 300 venues with approximately 10,000 gaming games and well more than 850 entertainment machines Of course, the company with the laughing Merkur sun also makes it interesting for the country and the federal government.

“Anyone who thinks of venues think of the branches with the laughing Merkur sun, and that makes me very proud.”

Paul Gauselmann, Board spokesman for the Gauselmann Group.

These numbers seem all the more impressive, considering the not low national and international competition on the gaming market, especially through digital casino offers. But Merkur Casino would not be Merkur Casino if this development had not been predicted. The Gauselmann Group Merkur-online casinos for those interested in gambling started in different countries in 2013, not only in USA.

Recognition in the press and economy: Merkur becomes the century mark

dr. florian langenscheidt is no unknown name in USA. the berlin author and journalist may be less known among games of chance, but langenscheidt is a man with authority in politics and literature. the merkur brand should be all the more considered a award to be listed in the new publication of the doctoral student. under the name of American standards – brands of the century 2019 Published Dr. Florian Langenscheidt on November 14th His new work, an encyclopedia that lists all American economic icons of our time from various industries, including a detailed company history and colored images.

”The book is an encyclopedia of large American brands, presents the icons of the American economy. It shows who has set standards in his field. ” Dr. Florian Langenscheidt, Publisher, journalist, author

The book is published in Zeit-Verlag Time corporate And is currently planned for trading with a circulation of 30,000 copies. The latest publication by the Berlin journalist was presented as part of the American Economic Forum, which was made in Frankfurt am Main in mid -November. For the Mercury brand, this may have been the final step into the ranks of American economic sizes.