
Manhattan: First casino planned

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Peter Brandt February 3, 2021

The first casino could soon open in the heart of New York City and establish the game of chance in Big Apple. As the “New York Times” reports, the city has to struggle with a break-in of the real estate market due to the ongoing Corona pandemic. The construction of a casino could give the crisis -based industry the urgently needed upswing. For this reason, some interested companies are trying to approve a casinos building.

A large casino temple in the heart of New York would be a gigantic boost for local tourism. ((© Kikiline/Pixabay)

Corona Pandemie as Chance

In times the Corona-Krise The office buildings are empty in many places. Due to the risk of infection, many people worldwide work in the home office. A fact that also prevails in Manhattan and shakes the local real estate market. The cityscape with the skyscrapers is characterized by office complexes that have not been used for months. As a result, not only New York City, but the entire state has to struggle with considerable financial losses. According to official information, this amounts to Deficit at around $ 15 billion. The planned casino project is now to be remedied. According to the “New York Times”, the construction of the large-scale gambling temple could close the large hole in commercial properties to a certain extent.

If the state of New York actually grant a building permit, the first casino would arise in Manhattan. The idea behind such a project is not new. For decades, actors from the gambling industry had been trying to to build a casino in the Big Applethat represents an enormously potent market for the industry. A great financial incentive is particularly hidden behind the gigantic number of tourists. However, in the recent past, all attempts have been kept to obtain a building permit for such a project.

Legislators defends itself. The state of New York has been blocking any project for years that aims at the construction of a casino in Manhattan. Governor Andrew M. Cuomo is said to have always adhered to his political guidelines and have repeatedly put a stop to interested casino operators. However, the precarious economic situation now seems to move Cuomo to give in. According to the “New York Times”, the time of the latest push in the industry should not only play a role in the change of heart. As the newspaper reports, many supporters of the governor are also active in the real estate industry.

Casino als Retter?

Since the construction of a casino resort in Manhattan is a lucrative alternative for the battered real estate industry, numerous large corporations said their interest in the project, according to the “Times”. So count the L& L Holding Company To the first candidates. The investment company has already submitted specific plans to politicians how the project is to be realized. At the intersection to the 47th Street and the Broadway, the group intended to build a gigantic cloud crater worth $ 2.5 billion. The center of the 46-story building is supposed to be a luxurious Casino-Resort The picture.

Ob der Staat New York und Gouverneur Andrew M. Cuomo diesem Vorhaben zustimmen werden, steht jedoch noch in den Sternen. Nichtsdestotrotz würde das Projekt der L& L Holding Company eine enorme Summe in den gebeutelten Industriezweig spülen. Laut eines aktuellen Berichts des Immobiliendienstleisters „Savills“ hat die Branche das Geld bitter nötig. So sollen im Jahr 2020 nur 20,5 Millionen Quadratmeter Bürofläche in Manhattan angemietet worden sein. Das entspricht einem Agency of 64 percent Compared to the previous year and the lowest level has been in for at least two decades.

Advertising campaign in full swing. Die L& L Holding Company bemüht sich schon seit mehreren Monaten um eine Casino-Baugenehmigung in Manhattan. Dabei scheint der Konzern nichts dem Zufall überlassen zu wollen. So wurde bereits am Times Square ordentlich für das Casino-Projekt geworben. Mit dem Slogan ‚Der Times Square ist reif für ein High-End-Casino‘ versucht das Unternehmen auch innerhalb der Gesellschaft die Gunst für das eigene Vorhaben zu erringen. Dafür wurde selbst Celine Dion, die einer der bekanntesten Persönlichkeiten in der Glücksspielmetropole Las Vegas ist, für die Werbekampagne akquiriert.

Situation there policy

According to the current status, the state of New York is entitled to Three new casino licenses to forgive. However, it can be doubted that the time planning remains that way. Even before the outbreak of pandemic, lobbyists put pressure on politics to accelerate the process.

Das potenzielle Casino-Projekt ist der beste Beweis dafür, dass sicher geglaubte Gegebenheiten rund um die Corona-Krise nicht unumstößlich sind. Dementsprechend würden nach Angaben der Times neben der L& L Holding Company auch andere Unternehmen in Lauerstellung verweilen und warten, bis die Stadt einen vollumfänglichen Plan for the granting of the approval presented.