
Location for gaming authority

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Peter Brandt 30. August 2021

The new gaming authority, which was implemented as part of the GlüstV, has found its location in Halle. According to a report by the local online magazine “Hallespektlte”, the state government in Saxony-Anhalt initiated initial steps to equip the authority with the required premises. For example, an office space of 2,822 square meters was rented in the “Technical City Hall”, which is located in the city center of Halle and was previously a residence of the city administration.

As soon as the new gaming authority has started its work at the new location, around 110 office jobs are to be created over time. ((© Kate.Sade/Unsplash)

Gambling authority on the second floor

The new state of gambling (GlüstV) has been legally binding since July 1, 2021, but some measures of new legislation have not yet been installed. This also includes the central supervisory authority, that of the Industry serve as a central control and administrative body target. But now it seems as if the first progress in the matter could be reported with the renting of the “Technical City Hall”.

As “HalleSpektrum” recently reported, the six -story building in the heart of Halle the new home of the gaming authority. It was not until May 2020 Space with a total area of 9,300 square meters Bought from the privately run real estate group “Polis Immobilien AG”. At the time, however, it was not yet clear that the new authority in the building complex would move into its neighborhood because the city administration used around 85 percent of the area. This is now located on the market square.

If everything runs according to plan, the gaming authority will open its tents on the second floor. However, it is not yet known when it should be specific. The future office space is not yet completely ready for reference, since a certain area still expanded will, however, be ready for the meantime.

Halle location. It is still not known why the gaming authority is stationed in Halle. However, in the course of the preparation of the Gaming State Treaty, the press had outlined two possible scenarios why the prime ministers of the federal states chose the municipality in Saxony-Anhalt. Halle is in the Leipzig catchment area, where there is a high level of IT expertise. This is played by the authority’s area of responsibility. The other option refers to rental prices. Nationwide, the average prices for office space are nowhere as low as in Halle.

Authority causes trouble

The late commissioning of the gaming authority already caused critical voices before the legal power of the glow. Both from the political camp and the gaming industry itself were great concerns about the scheduling. Since one of the most important tasks of the authority is to monitor and control the recently legalized online segment, it is Delayed commissioning is not justifiable. For this reason, many politicians from various parties had voted against the glowing during the ratification processes in the individual state parliament.

The main argument of the opponents of the law was the potential Growth -addicted people. A lack of control instance would leave the already confusing online segment of gambling without structures. As a result, both player and youth protection are not guaranteed. At the same time, the federal and state governments would not be able to implement the sewage order responsibly.

Particularly heated debates about the State Treaty of Gambling were led in the North Rhine-Westphalian state parliament. A great opponent of the new legal framework was and is still the SPD member of the state parliament Elisabeth Müller-Witt, who sees the lack of control as a fatal signal. So there would be no current means to check whether the Casino operators adhere to the applicable measures of the glow would. Politics must only rely on oral promises. In their opinion, however, the gaming industry did not deserve this type of trust.

Despite all the adversities. The introduction of the new gambling law has called many votes against nationwide. In addition to the central supervisory authority, it is primarily the minimum distances for arcades and the multiple concessions that are responsible for controversial discussions. But despite the immense headwind, the glowing has been the applicable legal framework since July 1, 2021.

Positive effect for labor market

Both politically and media is the Gambling authority in Halle mostly negatively eyed. The delayed installation and the lack of control of the online gambling game are the main reasons why the supervisory organ is perceived so critically. However, public perception could change in the coming months and years if the authority fulfills its planned duties and ensures a structured and safe gaming industry in USA.

The supervision already ensures a positive effect. For example, several employees have already been equipped with a valid employment contract. Over time, that should Contingent of the workforce growing to 110 employeeswhat in turn the Labor market situation benefits.