
Liechtenstein in the casino boom

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Peter Brandt 12. April 2021

Liechtenstein has approved five casinos within just four years, and further projects are now to follow. According to the “Fatherland” newspaper, the sixth casino is to start operating this month. But the sparked gambling boom in the principality has not yet gone out. The plan is currently in the room to build three other casinos in the near future.

In addition to classic games of chance, the casinos in Liechtenstein sometimes also house event and cultural programs. ((© Meinester ramp/Pixabay)

Casino in the business park

Apparently Liechtenstein has discovered the financial and cultural attractiveness behind the national gambling in recent years. Five casinos were opened in just four years, so that in industry circles The principality referred to as the new European Las Vegas becomes. And this development shouldn’t be over. As different media report, three more casino are already being planned. According to the Swiss “Tagblatt”, one of them is being considered in Eschner.

The largest municipality in the lowlands of Liechtenstein comprises almost 10,300 square kilometers in which An old industrial and commercial area as a new location for another casino should serve. The plans are not yet too far, but a job advertisement is already advertised for the company. Public communication about the concept of the new casino has already taken place. In addition to classic gaming tables and machines, the new establishment in the community should also offer an attractive show and cultural program.

Gambling law in Liechtenstein. The legal framework for the gambling in Liechtenstein must adhere to the legislation of the European Union, although the dwarf state is officially not a member of the Confederation of States. However, the principality has joined the Agreement on the European Economic Area (EEA) and has to adhere to the overall rules of the EU. Ultimately, this also applies to gambling. This status quo has many advantages for customers and consumers. Due to the EU legal framework, the casinos in Liechtenstein all have to have an official gambling license that promises both security and quality.

Schaan municipality is very popular

This month should In Schaan on Zollstrasse, the Casino Maximus will start operating And receive the first guests. The responsible managing directors were confident in the report of the “Fatherland” newspaper to be able to comply with their own schedule. The exhibition of an official concessions was still pending, but the latest developments do not detract from this. This is shown by the other plans that the local gaming industry wants to implement in the community.

Although the Casino Maximus has not yet officially went online, the planning for the next casino is in full swing, according to matching media reports. Currently according to unconfirmed information A plot of land on the street “Im Rietacker” in Schaan highly in the course. If the casino project is actually realized at this location, it would be the third casino in the community.

Fight for market shares. The development on the Liechtenstein gambling market has not only launched the local industry players. So the “Seldon Ltd.”, based in Malta, should be involved in the next casino project. The processing takes place via the company “Cara AG” registered in Liechtenstein. The intervention from abroad not only symbolizes the struggle for market shares, but also the potential of the Liechtenstein gambling market.

Concern from the population

From an economic point of view, the Liechtenstein government benefits from the burgeoning casinos in the country. That Growing range of games flushes capital into the state coffers. However, the recent development of the local gaming market is not received positively everywhere. According to media reports, the Worry within the population. In this way, the residents of the casino locations in particular would be around one Increase in gambling addiction fear in the country. At the same time, one was afraid of the high reputation of the principality.

The Liechtenstein government tried to revise the fears of its own population with the argument that several casinos can better exploit market potential than individual establishments. In addition, the market potential in current development would be quickly exhausted. The growing supply in USA would not be able to withstand demand for long. However, is The prophecy booming end has not yet arrived. This is shown by both the planned casino projects and the interest of foreign investors and companies.

Money from abroad. The high casino density in Liechtenstein stands in no relation to the population. In the principality, nine casinos could soon come to almost 38,000 inhabitants. An invoice that is forced to lead to a loss. For this reason, the individual establishments are dependent on wealthy players from abroad. This is not a new development for the local gaming market. High million sums from abroad have been generated in recent years. Around 2018, the Casino Schaanwald took up CHF 19 million.