
Fewer arcades in Berlin

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Peter Brandt March 31, 2021

According to a report by the Berlin Morgenpost, the number of arcades in Berlin declined sharply in 2020. Of the initially 305 establishments, 222 arcades are still left. The main responsibility for this development is the Berlin Occupational Act, which would make business in the capital inpatient gambling in the capital with restrictive measures. The local arcade owners and industry experts look at the current development with great concern. Not only from an economic, but also from a social perspective, the declining arcade will have negative consequences. For example, the desired sewage order is endangered and illegal gambling is strengthened.

The Berlin Calvarian Act caused around 83 arcade closures last year. ((© ️Kaisender/Pixabay)

Berlin financial management celebrates “Triumph”

The restrictive arcade law goes back to the impulse of the Berlin financial administrationthat wanted to stop the flourishing gambling in the capital. With the latest developments, the project seems to be slowly assuming shape. Around 83 arcades had to close through the applicable regulations last year – from the point of view of the Berlin financial administration, a reason to celebrate.

However, the authority is not yet completely satisfied. How the Berlin Morgenpost wants to experience, The capital -based tax authorities strive for a maximum number of arcades of 120. According to the current situation, a further 102 arcades would have to close their gates. It is still open whether and how this specific goal can be realized. Nevertheless, it can be assumed that the Occasional Hall Act will continue to force further arcade operators in the future.

Berlin Calvarian Act There have been strict rules for the local arcades in Berlin since June 2011. There is about a minimum distance of 500 meters to the next hall and a minimum distance of 200 meters to high schools. In addition, only one arcade per building is allowed. Binding closing times from 03 a.m. to 11 a.m. must also be observed.

Berlin SPD sees itself confirmed

The SPD MP and urban development expert has a large proportion of the nationwide arcade closure Daniel Buchholz, which has significantly advanced the Berlin Calvarian Act. Before the law came into force in 2011, the politician in the Senate Administration vehemently insisted on legal restrictions for the game hall landscape in the capital. the High number of establishments at the time was too much danger for the players. The strong decline in the arcades contributes decisively to the game protection and addiction prevention.

“Finally, most arcades in Berlin have to close. Gambling addiction destroys people and neighborhoods. With the strictest arcade law in USA, we have already successfully stopped the flood of new arcades. The number of arcades in Berlin decreases more than ever expected. Of the 584 arcades in 2011, only 120 will be left shortly. This is a decline of around 80 percent or in other words: only every fifth of the arcades present in 2011 can still open the door. This is a sensational message for the Berlin Kieze and helps us in the fight against gambling addiction. ”Daniel Buchholz, SPD MP and urban development expert, Official homepage by Daniel Buchholz

The SPD politician’s views cannot understand journalist Jens Anker. So the closures of the arcades were by no means the “danger of gambling addiction” because the affected players are most likely to see other alternatives would. In order to cope with this problem, preventive measures are required.

Corona tightens emergency

The stationary gaming industry in the capital not only poses major challenges. Due to the Corona crisis and the associated lockdown, the emergency has tightened again. In the opinion of Georg Stecker, spokesman for the umbrella organization “The American Automatism Economy e.V.” (DAW), the status quo has dramatic consequences not only for the arcade operators, but also for the players themselves.

Due to the comprehensive loss of the local game offer, the black market is played in the cards. The state -licensed arcades are essential to preserve the players from fraudulent machinations. At the same time it is only possible through a regulated offer to protect it decisively and minors. In this regard, the DAW board spokesman criticized the one-dimensional consideration of the legislator.

Illegal gambling on the advance Since November 2020, the arcades have been closed almost nationwide. The DAW and other industry associations warned of the consequences of the measures as early as the restrictive decisions of politics. So a emigration of the players to the black market is to be feared. A prophecy, which then also felt true. For almost six months now, the police have been struggling nationwide with an increased advancement of illegal gambling activities.

That Germinate the illegal gambling has not yet been commented on by the Berlin tax authorities, but the finance senator confirmed a disadvantage that results from the decline in the local arcades. So be The income from the amusement tax has dropped dramatically. In 2019, these would have amounted to a total of 43.5 million $ . The past year, on the other hand, would have flushed only 24.4 million $ over the tax into the state health insurers.