
Indian casinos before times of crisis

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Peter Brandt 7. September 2020

According to current reports, the economic consequences of the Corona crisis have not stopped in front of the American Indian casinos. Although government aid has already flowed to numerous American tribes of indigenous people, speakers of the tribes are required to provide further financial aid. Because the previous funds would not be sufficient to compensate for the economic losses in the course of necessary casino closings. However, voices are currently being sounded that demand a solution on the financial dependence on the casinos.

Gambling in the casino is an elementary economic pillar for the American indigenous people. ((¡Gurucha/pipayapbaya)

Indian tribes in America before economic revolution?

Everyone should now be aware that the United States suffers from the consequences of Corona pandemic in many ways, and of course this also applies to an economic point of view. Even the dazzling figureheads of the American gambling, Las Vegas und Atlantic City, had and still have to struggle. In the gaming metropolis In New Jersey, the situation is particularly devastating.

So far, only very little has been heard from the third big teammate in the US gambling: the Native American-Casinos. Here the situation is even a completely different one, because the numerous casinos of the indigenous tribes have long been the central economic pillar for an entire people. So far, the sales figures of the Indian casinos have always been relied.

Yet As the newspaper Vidalia Delta recently reported, the prospering business seems to have found an abrupt end through the Corona-related closures of many casinos. The situation is even so explosive that discrepancies have arisen under the tribes, because many trunk spokesman want to detach themselves from the financial dependency in the future Find alternatives to gambling want.

How important are casinos for indigenous people? After extremely long disputes between the tribes of American indigenous people and the US government, the so-called Indian Gaming Regulatory Act was signed by both sides at the end of the eighties. Since October 1988, the indigenous people have been allowed to offer their own gambling in casinos within their countries, the reservations. At the present time, almost half of all tribes run their own or even several casinos, specifically 246 out of a total of 573 indigenous tribes. Every year they generate over $ 30 million.

Tribal spokesman call for further state support

In the past few weeks in particular Gary Davis Publicly expressed several times and a broader line -up of the economic portfolio of the tribes. Gary Davis is the managing director of the Native American Financial Services Association (NAFSA) and one of the most famous representatives of American Indian tribes.

Davis had already had after Modernizations and expansion of business companies demands even before the effects of the Corona crisis were also felt by the Indian casinos. Now Davis apparently sees himself confirmed and goes on the offensive. However, not all tribal leaders are in his opinion.

However, it is agreed in other ways, namely in the demand for further financial aid from the US government. In the course of the CARE Act Once already stately sums have flowed to the Indian tribes, but these should not be sufficient. According to surveys, this opinion is 97 percent of all Indian casino operators. A total of $ 8 billion has been paid up to date by the US government.

“These funds will help Indian tribes across the country to strengthen the energy and the natural resources of the tribes, to protect saints and culturally important objects, to maintain trust in the state and to further improve the health care of the Indians and natives Alaska.”John Hoeven, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, Nafsa press release

However, this sum is too low and must be increased. Ernie Stevens Jr., Currently the chairman of the National Indian Gaming Association, requires a sum of $ 25 billion as an additional COVID 19-aid package. This is imperative in order not only to preserve the Indian casinos from the existence of the existence, but also to finance Indian infrastructure. Without this money, it would be difficult to continue to ensure the medical care of American indigenous people or to maintain and expand important traffic routes.