
Hanseatic city of Hamburg is worried about their exclusive casino

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Peter Brandt 21. August 2019

Hamburg is at least among the domestic residents of the North American metropolis as the most beautiful city in the world. This can certainly be understood in many ways, because Hamburg has a lot to offer for residents and visitors. In addition to numerous promenade, shopping or the square on the Alster, the city’s hotspots have so far also been the local casino. But the casino’s concession expires. How and whether things are going on has not yet been clarified, but the pressure on the responsible politicians is growing.

In Hamburg, the strike could soon come back if the future of 300 employees of the Hamburg casino will soon be clarified. ((© image source)

Tradition to end? Hamburg casino with an uncertain future

Whoever comes to Hamburg Luxury and exclusivity. the north American metropolis has developed the upscale urban character for a long time, and it is therefore no coincidence. one reason, which is why hamburg is also considered a city of the world, was and is the city’s casino. hamburgers and visitors to the hanseatic city have been a detour to the casino since 1977 to find their luck with roulette, blackjack and co. since 2006 the Casino Hamburg The sensational Stephansplatz housed. the casino is only called “gambler paradise” among hamburgers and is always well visited. of course, this has its reasons. after all, the hamburg casino is one of the most exclusive of its kind in USA. even abroad is the hamburg casino, that of the Spielbank Jahr + Achterfeld GmbH & Co. KG is operated, known and no unknown name. it is all the more surprising that it has still not been clarified how the gaming site will continue in the future. then The casino’s license expires. This shouldn’t be a problem, but the Hamburg interior agency has initiated a Europe -wide tender for the allocation of a new license. The previous operator of the casino only stays just under four months. Although the previously licensed company has also applied for a license, which in the end also gets the contract is not certain.

“The current concession has a term until December 31, 2019 and thus expires at the end of the year. We hang really in the air. “

300 jobs are at stake

The current situation is particularly explosive, since the Hamburger Spielbank or the Spielbank Jahr + Achterfeld GmbH & Co. KG not only ensures fun and money blessing among visitors, but also represents the financial livelihood for many people. Ultimately, overall Around 300 people busy in the Hamburg casino. These jobs are now also at stake. The ver.di union is also concerned about it.

“The fact that there is still no decision about who will receive the concession for the operation of the casino in the future is an unpleasant situation for the employees. The license expires in a good four months and the employees still don’t know how to proceed. Clarity should now be created here. ”

But why did it come that far? There are currently many people who are concerned with the continued existence of the Hamburg casino. A answer from the Hamburg interior agency So far, however. It is only clear that the tender is officially about the “operation of a public casino consisting of a main location and branches for the period from 1/11/2020 to 31.12.2034”. FDP parliamentary group leader Michael Kruse from the Hamburg citizenship was also concerned about the current situation and the few months until the end of the concession. The tender procedure is based on applicable EU giving rights, but this must be urgently modified and optimized. The politician fears that at the end of the year the previous employees of the casino could be faced with accomplished facts without the time remaining in reorienting themselves professionally.

New operator, but everything is the same?

According to the tender, the new concession for the operation of the Hamburg casino is set for the period of 14 years. However, interested parties could only apply until June 27, 2018. Nevertheless, it is still not clear who will lead the Hamburg casino in the future. The Hamburg authority has not yet commented on this. It is therefore also unclear whether any new casino operator will receive the current jobs and employees.

“It would be obvious that there is a transfer of business and that the experienced qualified employees are taken over with their close customer loyalty. However, there is of course no guarantee that all jobs will be retained in the event of a new concessionaire. ”

In addition, nothing is known about the number or names of the companies that may have applied and advertised as a whole. However, it is clear that applicants have to bring a lot of capital. At least become 12 million $ as security requested. in addition, interested parties have to prove where these funds come from. ob am ende die spielbank jahr + achterfeld gmbh & co. kg erneut den zuschlag für den lizenzierten betrieb des casinos erhält, bleibt abzuwarten. interessant ist allerdings, dass das unternehmen aktuell lediglich mit einer “Interim concession” is active, which also expires at the end of the year. why not even an official tender was held back then remains an open question. ultimately, the current problems could have been prevented so easily. a spokesman for the hamburg interior authority does not give any more specific information, but refers to the legal situation.

“The aim of the Hamburg casino law is to channel the play instinct of the population. The necessary new version of this law was still in the parliamentary voting process in 2016/2017, so that a tender was not possible at the time. ”