Gender differences in gambling: no pure men’s business!
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Sports betting has carried out an up -and -coming change in recent years and are well received in almost every company. Although general perception is more of a gambling with the male gender, it is now also women who have developed a passion for sports betting. A study by the gambling provider 888 Holdings in New Jersey even shows that women bet more successfully than men.
Women New target group of betting providers
One reason for this development is the growing sports interest of women, which is based on a change in social values and, last but not least, the growing Recognition of women’s sports is thanks to. the increased interest is reflected in different ways. no matter whether watching, commenting, playing or betting, women have long since moved into sport. this change process has not escaped bookmakers and providers of sports betting. they reacted to the change and, in particular, adapted the structure and the presentation of advertising on their website. this Assimilation is similar to other branches of business, such as the tobacco and alcohol industry, which had only defined men as a target group too long ago. Although the female interest in sports is growing among the population, there are still many inequalities in sports themselves. These are sometimes biological, but also social in nature. Skir racer Lara Gut-Behrami said in Switzerland on Sunday:
“The slopes of women are always defused. We almost drive down a flat motorway. We should get away from flat and boring slopes and towards more waves and great curves. “
Women win more often than men
In order to make the dimensions of the growing sports interest of women tangible on sports betting, the Sports betting operator 888 Holdings a study commissioned that has analyzed the individual game of its customers by gender since january 2019. the results were recently published and show a possibly surprising finding. women are much more successful in sports betting on average than male players. the figures that were promoted during the study speak a clear language and refer to the Return on Investment (ROI). while female players were able to look forward to a roi of 19.79 percent on average sports betting, the men look rather bleak. with -4.6 percent, the roi is even in the negative area. the information from the study addresses women in new jersey Sports betting statistically higher payments to that are around 20 percent. The strong gender cannot keep up with these profits and even has to expect to suffer a loss. Psychologist and behavioral researcher Annette Kleebaum is not particularly surprised by the results of the study:
“Women and men have various cognitive differences that relate to many areas of life. Women are very different from men. You sometimes trust your intuition. With regard to sports betting, it is conceivable that women cannot be guided by irrational emotions and a completely different motivation approach is the driving force. ”
Differences in the age groups
Not only the differentiated lighting between woman and man draws a clear picture, but also the categorization according to age groups provides information about the success of sports betting. Especially women between the ages of 35 and 44 are very successful and show one hohen Return on Investment on, which is 129.6 percent. men in the same age range are statistically just in the positive area with 0.88 percent. the largest gap is 25 to 34 in the year. male players have to accept a roi of -8.47 percent. women of the same age group enjoy a key figure of 127.06 percent. Eatai Pazan, CEO Bhun 3 Holdings, however, knows about the meaningfulness of the numbers:
“The data of our study collected relate to a group of people at a certain time in a geographical region. Therefore, the evaluated numbers are not sufficient to generalize that women generally play more successfully than men. A much more extensive study would be necessary for such a statement. ”
Even if the study must not be regarded as a generalized mission statement, there is inevitably a tendency to perceive. However, are Women not consistently more successful in sports betting. In the age groups 45 to 54 and over 65, female players achieve the worst results of the entire calculation with an average of -61.72 and -82.16 percent.
Is the player layout crucial?
Since the study of 888 Holdings calculated the success rates and profits of the sexes in percentage, the player layout fell by the wayside. This fact raises the question of whether the publication and information A falsified summary hand over the sexes on sports betting. if you venture a cross comparison with USA, the last report on the Gambling behavior and gambling addictionthat 77.8 percent of the men surveyed and 72.2 percent of the women surveyed have already participated in any kind of gambling. the largest proportion was the various lotteries. the question was also asked about participation in gambling in the past twelve months. 41.4% of men and 33.0% of women had played some kind of gambling in the last 365 days. although there is still serious deviation from the player in terms of gender, the growing proportion of women cannot be dismissed. heidrun thaiss, head of the Federal Center for Health Education (BZGA), confirm:
“Gambling has long been no more male. In our statistical surveys, the proportion of women grows steadily, regardless of their age group; Women discovered sports betting, lotteries or casinos. “