
The first official ban from online bookmakers is imminent

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Maximilian Deininger February 28, 2020

A concession obligation for online bookmakers has been in force since January 1st of this year. Violations are now being punished for the first time by the state government of Hesse. The decision for this regulatory specification has long been known to sports betting providers on the Internet. So far, however, the providers have not really been taken in the license for online bookmakers. Now some of them threaten a first official ban.

The state government of Hesse is serious about illegal online sports betting betting providers and no longer excludes official bans. ((© Bru-NO/Pixabay)

The closure threatens more than ten companies

For almost two months now, the concession requirement for providers of sports betting on the Internet has been in effect. Some have complied with the new regulations and have submitted or at least applied for a corresponding license. A report by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung now illustrates that not all providers adhere to the requirements in Hesse. That can be regional council of Darmstadt Apparently no longer offer and makes you serious. There are threatening First official bans from online bookmakers.

So far, around ten gambling providers had refused to undergo the underlying reporting and testing procedure of the State of Hesse. The state government does not want to let this go through and threatens to block the website and an interruption of all financial transactions. The threat of the consequences and the intensive review of the online providers had previously led to the total Nine providers had volunteered off the marketto avoid the review procedure.

How does the new development come about? ”The American State Treaty has been valid since July 1, 2012. The state of Hesse took over the responsibility for the regulation and concession of online sports betting providers. As part of an experiment, a total of 20 official concessions for online bookmakers should be issued. However, this project was stopped by a decision by the European Court of Justice. This had declared the “test licenses” invalid. This legal contradiction meant that the providers of online sports betting did not have a concession, but still had to be displaced on the American market. With the new regulation from January 1, 2020, this state is now counteracted. ”

State government of Hesse continued to make decisions

A lot of movement is currently coming to history through the planned Gaming Re -Gaming Regulation Treaty (GlüneurStV). This provides for a complete legalization of the online gambling. However, gambling providers have to submit to strict requirements. In addition, the Player protection in the focus of the planned new regulations. For example, a playing card should register and block people with problematic game behavior. The monthly maximum of money, which can be played per player, is also to be limited to 1,000 $ per month.

However, the State Treaty of Gaming Re -Gaming Contracts also includes that the state of Hesse at least until December 31, 2023 continue to be responsible for the awarding of the concession target. This distribution of roles has long been known to the Darmstadt regional council, which is why, in addition to additional staff, the technological requirements for successful control and award have been created. Overall, the regional council will become USA’s greatest gambling supervision.

Online bookmakers finally react

The Hessian Interior Minister, Peter Beuth from the CDU, had already pointed out with great concerns at the end of last year that none of the private online bookmakers had seriously tried for a concession at the time, which tempted the interior minister significant warning to the providers to pronounce online sports betting:

“I therefore urge it to be urgently warned: every sports betting offer is subject to permission from January 2020 and there are no more tolerations. We will consistently prohibit illegal offers. Those who have no permission then become punishable and the country is forced to act. ”

However, the threats of also pronouncing official bans and blocking all non-confectionated providers seems to have achieved its effect. The report of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung also speaks of the fact that the development since the beginning of the year Show in a different direction. The report states that the willingness of the industry to undergo a licensing process is very high. So far, it has not yet been known which ten companies have continued to refuse to review. At the latest when pronouncing the bans, it will be shown who has played with the fire for too long.