
Fantasy sports: new sports betting?

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Maximilian Deininger March 17, 2021

Fantasy sports have been experiencing a boom in the United States as a new form of sports betting for some time. Everything is now being bet on everything. How many points a single player achieves, how many blocks he succeeds or how often he shoots on goal in the course of a game. What falls into the area of niche or special bet in the international sports betting industry has developed into a completely new form of sports betting in the USA: Fantasy sports. The modern concept is booming – especially among the younger generation.

Through fantasy sports, MLB again becomes more interesting for the younger audience. ((©hellosoyeon/Pixabay)

Revolution on the march

The gambling industry has been in a never -ending growth phase for years, which has been created primarily by the wide range on the Internet. In the meantime, many countries have recognized the social and economic potential behind the online gambling, so that a comprehensive liberalization process has been initiated, which is not limited to the European market. The otherwise conservative US policy gradually opens up the local gaming market. The area of sports betting in particular has had an enormous development in the States. In the meantime Generates the US sports betting market between $ 60 and $ 73 billion annually – Ascending trend.

The booming sports betting market has changed the consumer behavior of sports fans in North America, which has developed a revolutionary and dynamic concept: fantasy sports. It is based on the Classic principle of sports betting, but with the combination of a manager game adapts to the current zeitgeist. So betting fans have the opportunity to virtually put together a squad of the respective sport or league. The virtual counterparts in the form of points then benefit from the real performance of the individual players. Blocks, assists, ball conquests – values are raised for each statistics that ultimately incorporate into the personal squad. Large profits are distributed on the different platforms for high total points. This creates an enormously competitive subculture that is based on sports betting and is getting bigger. For example, there are your own TV channels for fantasy sports as well as tons of analysts and journalists who only deal with this topic.

Gigantic market. According to official information, around 46 million people play fantasy sports almost daily in the United States alone. In 2019, the growing sub-industry was able to implement almost three billion US dollars. The financial dimensions seem only an intermediate step for even larger sums. As more and more states legalize fantasy sports, the number of access is increasing. Often the individual parliaments do not specify the new gambling concept as a happiness, but as a skill game. Experts, on the other hand, title fantasy sports as a personalized sports bet.

Personalized sports bet

In many ways, fantasy sports offer a personalized weather experience in many ways. So it is not just about the squad combination and collecting points, also bets on individual statistics of the respective players is an integral part of the new industry. In the meantime, the concept is so popular and huge that the four large US profile cooperates with the industry leaders “Draft Kings” and “Fan Duel”. the Marketing efforts by the top dogs are strongly reminiscent of those of sports betting providers. During live broadcasts, you inevitably come into with fantasy sports. The commercials lure with various bonus programs and a lavish starting credit for new customers.

Change in sports consumption. Fantasy sports are not only a new form of sports betting, but has turned the entire sports cosmos upside down in the USA. The four great professionals perceive a change in consumption behavior, as a new component has been added to the new model of the sports bet. This change is particularly noticeable in the MLB. The falling number of spectators has been troubled by the baseball league for years. The younger generations in particular cannot do much with the decelerated and tough game principle. Fantasy sports have changed this because every game situation can be decisive for winning a bet.

Fantasy-Sports in Europa

Of the Hype um Fantasy-Sports very slowly conquered the European sports betting market. Established bookmakers and providers who operate in the individual EU countries only sporadically have a separate section for fantasy sports. In addition, sporting diversity in Europe is significantly more limited than in the States. Football is the undisputed number one in most countries. This is also clear by the number of access on the classic sports betting market. Most missions for soccer betting are paid here. Novel platforms know about the importance of the most popular sport in the world and try to combine the hype to connect fantasy sports with football. Even if the principle of sports betting and the manager game is adopted one-to-one from the states, it seems entirely Great fire not yet sparked with European sports fans to have been.