
Entain introduces ESG report

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Peter Brandt 13. June 2023

Entain has made progress in the areas of the environment, social affairs and corporate management. This emerges from the latest ESG report that the gambling group recently presented. The player protection measures and standards applicable in the company have also been raised to a higher level in recent years.

Entain succeeded last year to operate more sustainably and thus protect the environment. ((©Matthew Smith/Unsplash)

Entain strives for optimization

As an established and Innovative player of the global gambling industry ENTAIN pursues the goal of his To consolidate and expand the position on the market. The ESG report, which the group publishes every year, acts as a summarizing authority that documents internal progress in the areas of environment (Environment), Social Affairs (Social) and (Government).

In the past year, Entain was able to make significant progress in all areas and optimize the entrepreneurial processes. The targeted was a major proportion of the positive development Activity on only regulated gaming markets. For example, Entain currently generates around 99 percent of his sales on a total of 31 markets, on which gambling is legally and legally regulated.

In the past financial year, the company managed to to withdraw from uncertain markets. The group left around 13 countries that will not install a uniformly and clearly defined gambling regulation in the foreseeable future.

About entain. The Big Player is based in Great Britain and works in both digital and inpatient gaming business. The group has more than 20 official licenses, employs over 24,000 people worldwide and is active with many different sub -brands on the international gaming market.

Management & environment

The ESG report specifically shows that Entain has made great progress, especially in the areas of corporate management and the environment. So the group succeeded in his Increase taxes for player protection measures – to 0.5 percent of gross annual turnover. The money paid should benefit preventive purposes and player protection initiatives.

Diversity, inclusion and equality play a major role in Entain. Promoting the points is accordingly important to the company. This is shown by the launch of the internal training program “Entrain”, which Focuses on diversity and inclusion. Around one million GBP were invested in the project.

Women’s quota. In terms of equality, Entain has also managed to make great progress. In the past financial year, several management positions were filled with female employees. The women’s quota at the management level is currently 40 percent.

Entain has been pursuing the goal for a long time not to burden the environment through his own actions. Every year, the company lowers its CO2 emissions-also in the past financial year. So they could Emissions reduced by around seven percent will. You want to Emergency -free business. Renewable energies should also help. The betting agencies in the UK already move into 100 percent renewable energies.

Technology for player protection

According to the ESG report, Entain has not only provided funds for external player protection measures. The group also created a hand itself. In 2021 was introduced the so-called ARC technology. ARC stands for “Advanced Responsibility and Care”. The technology is based on artificial intelligence and is able to classify and track down striking and addicted players early on.

ARC technology has already been used and was able to achieve great success early on. However, Entain does not want to be satisfied with that. In the near future, independent exams are to be commissioned in order to to confirm long -term success of the technology. This should also ensure credibility and transparency.

As Entain explains in the ESG report, ARC will be subjected to further optimization processes in the next few months. Among other things, a real-time tool is planned to precisely document the activities of the players in online casinos and digital bookmakers. The collected data should then be evaluated and New solutions for player protection show.

ACR should pay a particularly great focus on Long game sessions online judge. As soon as the AI recognizes a loss of control and classifies the game behavior as dangerous, an automatic lock is activated. Deposits and operations are then no longer possible.

Extension. So far, ARC technology has achieved great success on the British gaming market. Striking players could be identified at an early stage and “pulled out of circulation”. As a result, potential damage was averted. The planned optimizations should expand the success balance of ARC technology-but not enough. Entain plans to use his AI player protection tool in other markets in the future. However, the group did not want to provide any information on how the implementation should look specific. However, the expansion must take some regional and country-specific aspects into account. For example, legislation, culture and social issues play an important role.