
Draftkings & Tom Brady’s resignation

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Maximilian Deininger February 9, 2023

Tom Brady’s resignation could have an impact on the future DRAFTKING. The sports betting provider maintains a partnership with “Autographer”, a platform for non-fungable tokens (NFTS) in which Brady is involved.

Autographer concluded a contract with the NFL Players Association in December 2021 in order to be able to offer “gamified” NFTs. ((©Andrey Metelev/Unsplash)

Brady announces business intensity

Tom Brady communicated his retreat from NFL via social media. His chosen words dominated athletic content, which summed up his unique career. But not only the now sporting past was discussed by the former quarterback. He also announced his future intentions publicly. So he is full of anticipation at To help and grow the construction and growth of companiesthat he co -founded or in which he is involved – including “autograph”.

The platform for NFTS and Draftkings entered into a partnership in July 2021. In advance, the sports betting provider had announced one to put your own marketplace on your feet. Autograph should have the necessary know -how and the necessary infrastructure. In addition, the platform exclusively sells the NFT content on the Draftkings marketplace.

In addition to Brady, Autographer is still with other well-known celebrities an NFT deal Thought-among other things with Tiger Woods, Wayne Gretzky, Derek Jeter, Naomi Osaka and the Skateboard Legend Tony Hawk.

Unique career. Tom Brady is considered the best quarterback that has ever played in the NFL. In the course of his 21-year career, he won the championship (Super Bowl) seven times-six with the New England Patriots and one with the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He secured the title as the most valuable player in the league (MVP) in 2007, 2010 and 2017. Several records go to his account – among other things, most of the yards thrown and most of them arrived in the NFL. With his resignation, an icon of sport leaves the big stage

Draftings Als Profitor?

In addition to Autographer, Brady is also involved in many other business activities. Therefore, it remains to be seen to what extent it After his resignation from the NFL will be involved in the platform. Nevertheless, the combination of its star power, the reputation of Draftkings and the increasing relevance of the NFTs promises enormously profitable business.

Non-Fungible Token. A NFT is a digital goods that cannot be replaced and protected. It is based on the blockchain technology, which makes every NFT unique and clearly identifiable. NFTS contain a certain object- such as an image or audio file. Due to the structure and the design, over time, self -contained marketplaces with various NFTs have created.

According to the market observer and analysts, it is likely that the still young market for the NFTs from the combination preserved huge growth boost becomes. At the same time, Draftkings’s NFT efforts confirmed that the group was not exclusively with the still young fantasy sports and sports betting wants to be associated.

The non-foamable tokens have been in the upswing for some time and have now reached a certain status in society. This is not least due to the Proximity to cryptocurrenciesthat will also play an important role in Draftkings Marketplace. In this way, any transactions are to be paid by “polygon”. The cryptocurrency is based on the blockchain technology from Ethereum.

Cryptocurrencies in Draftkings. In a statement, Jason Robin, CEO von Draftkings, said that he himself was a great NFT advocate and that cryptocurrencies are considered as a means of payment of the future. For this reason, he wants to enable the services of his company to be paid for in the foreseeable future with cryptocurrencies.

Development of a new market segment

Draftkings seems to have hit the ravages of time with his marketplace. The digital marketplace already has one Impressive development, which could be boosted again by cooperation with Autographer and Brady.

In December 2021 Draftkings took the next step and closed one Contract with the “NFL Players Association” (NFLPA) off to be able to offer “gamified” NFTs. The sports betting provider thus dares to develop a new market segment. From the analyst’s point of view, NFTS for Draftkings are a logical business area that could be responsible for an enormous increase in sales. The customer base consisted exclusively of sports fans who are very likely to invest in NFTs and to use the potential advantages through “gamification”.

Positive development. The latest financial figures for Draftkings show that its own marketplace generated more than $ 20 million in gross income in the third quarter of 2021. Over 120,000 primary and secondary transactions were made.