DFL presents app against game manipulation

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Maximilian Deininger December 31, 2018

The sports betting market is booming all over the world. Strong markets always attract black sheep and fraudsters. The betting mafia tries to pull the weakest members of the sports circus to their side: the young young players. The American Football League (DFL) is now using an app for prevention and assistance for affected young professionals and amateurs in order to prevent any criminal projects preventively.

With an app, the DFL wants to act against the increasing number of betting manipulations.

Fight against game manipulations

the attraction of the sports betting is unbroken. the market has been booming for years and an end is not in sight. in particular, the first and second bundesliga in USA are not only enjoying increasing popularity among American betting, but also with happy players abroad. it is therefore not surprising that around 40 billion $ were implemented by bookmakers at American football games in 2017 alone. even with the juniors, millions are generated. games from a-juniors recorded a total bet of 252 million $ in the past year alone. even with the b-juniors, there were 46 million $ in 2017. but this is exactly where the American football league sees a great danger: namely the risk of play manipulations by the betting mafia. in the fight against fraud and the manipulation of American football games, the bundesliga professional players as well as the young players from the junior area should and are more sensitized. at the start of the current bundesliga season, the dfl introduced a training obligation for license teams. in the next step, a separate app for the smartphone from the dfl will now be published in the coming week. the app enables all players to be able to forward suspicious signs or information on manipulation and fraud attempts to be forwarded to the dfl from the juniors to professionals from the bundesliga. in this way, the young players in particular should be informed of the dangers, backgrounds and routes of the betting mafia in good time. after all, prevention cannot start early enough. andreas nagel, dfl director for sports and performance, said that the 36 performance centers nationwide should be used to sensitize the talents to such incidents and sharpen the sense of responsibility.

“No matter how well you are shielded by high salaries and a high media presence: we always have a residual risk.” Carsten Thiel von Herff , Independent ombudsman of the DFL and the DFB

Young footballers are the focus of the educational work

the training has been carried out in 32 clubs so far. a total of around 3,000 junior players from the u16 to u23 teams of the youth performance centers of the clubs are the focus of the prevention work. according to nagel, it is of great importance that the young players make it clear that they destroy their own career through actions with bets or play manipulations. after all, there is no longer anymore. once players came into with the betting mafia and have violated the clear rules of the dfb, namely the strict ban on betting and play manipulation, their career is over before they started properly. interna from the clubs and teams such as constellations or injuries before a game must not be worn out. furthermore, the players are subject to a reporting obligation that states: if players become aware of irregularities, receive references to planned manipulation or discover a specific manipulation, they must be reported immediately. for fear of consequences and the consequences that may also threaten with those responsible within a team, dfl and dfb assume that some, especially young players, prefer to be silent instead of reporting a message. in the future, however, this can and should be easily and anonymously via the new dfl app. of the innovation the DFL itself is convinced And currently assumes that it has initiated a further blow against betting manipulation and for prevention with a modern app. According to the DFL, young talents would be easier to report abnormalities or attempts at the betting mafia. It will be necessary to wait and see whether the app can really meet the hoped -for expectations, especially since it is unclear how pronounced the attempts of game manipulations in American football are actually.