
Casino-Sperrstunde in Holland

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Peter Brandt 2. October 2020

For large parts of the Netherlands, the Corona closing hour for casinos and arcades from midnight applies. The Dutch government had recently decided on these regulations that have been in effect since this Monday. The Dutch gambling industry association Van Kanspelen announced this on its website. Previously, the locking lesson had already been in midnight in some areas of Holland. Now it has been extended to many other national circles. This is intended to slow the spread of the coronavirus and the increasing numbers of infected.

In large parts of the Netherlands, a casino blocking lesson is now at midnight to slow down the spread of the corona virus. ((© Bernardouploud/Pixabay)

Panel hour for casinos and arcades now in large parts of the country

In order to counteract the rapid spread of corona pandemic and prevent a new lockdown, the Dutch government had launched a curfew for casinos and arcades just more than a week ago. From September 20, this was in many parts of the Netherlands. The locking lesson forces the affected arcades and casinos to no more guests from midnight. In addition, the music must be switched off in the establishments at midnight. A maximum of one hour later, i.e. at 1 a.m., all guests must have left the casino. The locking lesson also applies to other facilities that serve the entertainment.

However, some areas were spared from the curfew due to lower infection numbers in their region. Now come according to that Dutch gambling industry association van Kanspelen numerous regions. In addition to the new locking lesson, all others continue to apply Hygiene and safety rulesto contain the spread of the coronavirus. This includes compliance with all distance rules, the limitation of the number of visitors to a maximum of 100 guests per casino and all disinfection requirements. Protective walls made of plexiglass and mask obligation are still mandatory.

The locking lesson already applies in these regions of Holland. From September 20, arcades, casinos and other entertainment facilities had to stick to the new locking lesson at midnight if they are in the provinces of Amsterdam ampand, Kennemerland, Haaglanden, Hollands Midden, Rotterdam-Rijnmond or Utrecht. Other areas were initially spared due to locally lower cases. However, the second wave of Corona seems to be in full swing, which is why the locking lesson has now been expanded to numerous other regions. They include Groningen, Flevoland, Zuid-Holland, Gelderland, Noord-Holland and Noord-Brabant. It remains to be seen how long the other regions will be spared from the curfew. A nationwide introduction appears anything but absurd in the near future.

Dutch employee associations warn of a second lockdown

At first glance, the operators of the affected gambling facilities may not have been particularly enthusiastic about the new locking lesson. A Another complete lockdown But would have far more serious economic consequences. The Dutch employee associations MKB-Nederland and VNO-NCW also see it that way. They support the Dutch government’s measures to contain corona pandemic. In various social networks and on websites such as that of the Dutch gambling industry association van Kanspelen, the employee associations ask the Dutch to adhere to the government’s hygiene and security requirements. This is the only way to prevent a new lockdown, which from an economic point of view is an absolute must.

“Pull all the stops to avoid a second wave and a new lockdown! This is a call to the MKB-Nederland and VNO-NCW employee associations to all people in the Netherlands and to all companies. We are extremely concerned about the increasing number of COVID-19 infections and fear a second wave. If we continue as current, there is a risk that the healthcare system will be overloaded again. Then a second lockdown could threaten, through which we would all be locked up again permanently at home. Our economy will then continue to shrink, which would have with catastrophic consequences for jobs, companies, welfare and future tax revenue. This must be avoided. “MKB-Nederland and VNO-NCW, Dutch employee associations, Website of the Dutch gambling industry association van Kanspelen

However, the appeal of the Dutch employee associations was not aimed exclusively at the population of the Netherlands, but also to the Dutch government. This must urgently need the Increase test capacities in the country. This is the only way to control Corona pandemic. So far, the Dutch government has not been officially reaction. It therefore remains to be seen whether the locking lesson for arcades and casinos fulfills their purpose and helps to slow down the spread of the coronavirus.