
BVB: Partnership with BetMGM

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Maximilian Deininger March 5, 2021

Borussia Dortmund and the US sports betting provider BetMGM have received an advertising partnership. The company recently announced the cooperation on its own homepage by press release, from which both parties hope for mutual advantages. Through the partnership, the US bookmaker, among other things, is allowed to use player photos and club logos of BVB for their own marketing purposes. Cross-promos via social media are also said to be part of the cooperation. The Bundesliga club, on the other hand, wants to continue the door to the lucrative US market by working with BetmGM.

Through the cooperation with BetmGM, Borussia Dortmund wants to promote the internationalization of his brand on the North American continent. ((©Lernestorod/Pixabay)

Game transfer in the USA

A central component of the joint advertising partnership between BetmGM and Borussia Dortmund are the game transmission rights of the games of the Bundesliga club. From now on the US sports betting provider will be allowed to BVB’s games legal fans to show football fans in the United States. For the traditional club from the Ruhr area, there is the opportunity to steer the interest of the US fans and to build an even larger supporter. The BVB continues the already taken path of global commercialization, since efforts already take place on the Asian continent.

BVB official Benedikt Scholz, who is responsible for the international marketing of Borussen and has pulled the threads behind the scenes, promises from the new advertising partnership A higher presence on the US market:

“We are very happy about the partnership with BetMGM as our new regional partner in the USA. It is a wonderful news for our fans in the States that they can now follow the BVB games via the BetMGM app. Together we will expand our reach and further expand our presence on the US market. ”Benedikt Scholz, Head of International / Commercial & new Business bei Borussia Dortmund, Official press release from BetMGM

US hype for football: BetmGM positions itself

As a sports betting provider, BetMGM operates in an industry that is on the rising branch in the USA and at the same time offers numerous competition. In recent years, more and more states have softened their gaming laws and thus Sports betting market subjected to a liberalization process. In now 44 US states are legal games legalWhich ensured an enormously potent market. As an established company, BetmGM is now trying to consolidate its position in industry with the BVB advertising partnership. This should ensure that the transmission rights that are unique in this form on the US market should ensure this.

“BetMGM is the first American sports betting provider to enter into a partnership with a American football club-an important milestone. And with whom you can work better than with the legendary Borussia Dortmund. Since interest in the Bundesliga in the USA is increasing, BetmGM customers can one of the most renowned clubs in USA and follow every Bundesliga game of BVB via the BetMGM app. ”Matt Prevost, Chief Revenue Officer von BetMGM, Official press release from BetMGM

Apart from the liberalized gaming market, football is a sport in the USA in a kind of boom phase. As a actual marginal sport, “Soccer” on the North American continent over time has a large fan base built up that grows further and further. Especially during the first high phase of the Corona pandemic, the US soccer league “Major League Soccer” (MLS) was the first big sports league to set up a concept in the States that the Resumption of the game operation made possible. Since NBA, NFL and MLB were only able to intervene again some time later, football experienced a kind of hype that was already guessed in advance. This shows not least the effort of football legend David Beckham, who founded its own MLS club in Miami.

Advertising partnership with success?

Both Borussia Dortmund and BetmGM hope that they can benefit from each other through the cooperation received. The advantages for both parties are obvious on paper, but a certain risk factor cannot be denied. Because although football in the USA has long since grown out of its infancy, “Soccer” is still in the great shadow of the driving sports. American football, basketball and baseball still enjoy greater reputation in the states, so that, despite all development steps, football runs the risk of not doing justice to the current hype phase.

The hoped -for range of BVB could fizzle out if necessary. At the same time, for BetMGM there is a risk that The investment for the transfer rights due to a lack of response is not worth it financially or in terms of reputation. However, both parties will also take such a potential scenario into account in their planning. Basically, however, the partnership is likely to be seen as a success model, which certainly also attracts attention from other Bundesliga clubs and sports betting providers.