
Brexit: Checklist for British gaming providers

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Peter Brandt 11. October 2019

Brexit is the central theme of European politics and media landscape. The European Union set October 31 as a deadline to seal the exit of Great Britain from the merger. It may be doubted whether the appointment can be observed in the current situation. The reason for the delay is the heated debate about a regulated or unregulated Brexit. In the middle of the discussions, the British cultural authority gambled providers presented a checklist to prepare for the EU’s exit.

Where does the path lead? This is also about gambling providers from Great Britain. ((©Pixabay)

Preparations for a no-deal scenario

The fronts are hardened and the current Prime Minister Boris Johnson makes it clear in his statements that he will hold on Brexit even without an agreement between Great Britain and the EU Under no circumstances do deadline becomes. The British government has published an eight-point checklist for providers of gambling in the event of a no-deal brexit. That from Ministry of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport created document includes information on visa, data protection and customs regulations. a few weeks before the brexit period expired, the information catalog provides the gaming industry with important details, as is the case with one hard Brexit around the industry will be ordered. Essential business questions should also provide information about the future situation, explains a government spokesman:

“Companies that work in the gambling industry should use our checklists to get an understanding of the economic changes in the case of a no-deal brexit.”

Although the government is aimed at all British gaming companies with the checklist, the possible EU exit without an agreement, in particular, the online casinos and online bookmakers were extremely hard. In this area, providers offer their services in most cases across Europe on the Basis of online gantry licensesthat are awarded in British overseas areas such as Gibraltar.

Copyright, administration and import duties

If there is actually no agreement between the British government and the European Union about an orderly exit of the United Kingdom, it will be all likely deep changes in the individual administrative processes of gambling providers. Especially in the area of accounting, companies have to reorganize themselves completely. Simon Maybach, a graduate economist, has been dealing with the possible consequences of the Brexit for a long time:

“Not only companies from the gambling industry would be hit hard by an unregulated Brexit. Companies that handle a large part of their business processes via the Internet must adapt to a completely new market situation in the event of commercial backgrounds. The bookkeeping for gambling providers are faced with increased administrative effort because the rules of the individual EU countries must be observed. The consequence is ultimately higher costs. “

Further additional expenses could also be made by changing Copyright guidelines develop. the british cultural authority’s checklist predicts that the british copyright permits in the remaining eu countries will no longer be valid and that new agreements would have to be made on the basis of individual contracts. as part of a no-deal brexit, there is also a risk costly innovationsthat refer to the import of modern technologies to the British island. Gambling providers may be documented with not too low tariffs when importing new hardware or other components. Therefore, the checklist advises a precise review of the impending additional costs.

Stay and entry of employees

Among other things, the cultural authority of the British government also deals with dealing with employees and recommends checking the gaming company exactly whether their own employees for activities in other European countries Visa or an EU work permit require. conversely, the residence status of employees from other european countries and switzerland must be clarified. for a desired residence permit, including a work permit, the Application for a settlement authorization need to live in the united kingdom countries from june 30, 2021. in this context, companies must have the administrative and bureaucracy processes for their employees in mind so that the necessary papers for entry into the EU available. Employees who pursue their work on the continent and have no necessary documents after the potential no-deal brexit can be banned with an entry bans. Ellen Madeker clarifies about possible single -time forms American travel association (DRV) on:

“It is likely that there will be similar regulations after the Brexit as with Norway or Switzerland. Both countries do not belong to the EU, but EU citizens can still enter their identity card as normal and remain a maximum of three months without a visa. ”

Data storage is subject to adjustments

Gambling companies that offer their services to customers from the European Union and store their data must be theirs in the course of the Brexit Check contracts and terms and conditions and adapt to the new standards. If this does not happen, customer data may no longer be saved legally and it is violated against applicable EU guidelines. Michael Thomas, ex-data protection officer of the Admiral Group, is familiar with the EU laws regarding data protection:

“In April 2016, the European Parliament formulated the General Data Protection Regulation, which precisely defines the handling of customer data. Company is generally prohibited to process personal data. However, the saving of customer data is allowed within the framework of the individual entrepreneurial processes to pursue business processing.

The British cultural authority’s checklist draws a very clear picture and reveals that the consequences of a no-deal brexit for domestic gaming companies can be far-reaching. Overall, the Maintaining the company much more complex and is therefore also associated with considerable additional costs.