
Breakthrough for gambling all over Europe

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Peter Brandt February 5, 2020

2019 was a successful year for the gambling industry, especially in Europe. American neighboring countries in particular opened the gates from the industry. Unlike in USA, the basis for legal online gambling was created in the Netherlands. In France there was even a privatization of the lottery. But other countries also recorded interesting developments in the national gambling sector. Companies in the industry were able to draw a positive conclusion, but the gratifying development is to progress even further in 2020.

In numerous countries in Europe, but also on other continents, the gambling industry was able to celebrate success – especially in the struggle for their legal position. ((©photosforyou/Pixabay)

Successful struggle for legal legality in Europe

There is no doubt about the statement that the last year has been largely successful for the gambling industry. It is not only the economic development that has produced new record sales figures for years. Because economic success is only possible if at all can be done legally. Unfortunately, however, there is so far at the pan -European level No uniform legal regulation by the European Union (EU).

“The introduction of a uniform set of rules for online betting in the EU is absolutely useful. It would improve the regulation of the sector, bring considerable cost savings for both consumers and companies and enable better consumer protection. Therefore, the EGBA calls on the EU’s political decision -makers to ensure that the digital domestic market also benefits the twelve million Europeans who bet online. ”

Thus, gambling providers who mainly operate on the Internet are not yet fully and legally possible to advertise and offer their performance. In many places, the struggle for private gambling providers is around legal acceptance And the associated opportunity to legally offer your own gambling offer, but much further than, for example, in USA.

The year 2019 was successful in many European countries for the entire gaming industry, some of them were even achieved that were well and gladly revolutionary breakthrough can be referred to as on Example of the Netherlands you can see. A year ago, the parliament had decided to modify national legislation in the American neighboring state a year ago that private gambling providers were allowed to act legally via the Internet.

Similar to other countries, the decisive point was that many Dutch played in illegal online casinos before the liberalization of the Dutch gambling market. This in turn escaped tax revenue in the millions. A regulated online gambling market Being the best solution for this problematic constellation, at least the Dutch legislative ruled.

How strong is the Dutch gaming market? “According to studies by the Centraal Bureau Voor de Statistiek, the Dutch Statistics Institute, sales in the 2018 National Online Glossy sector rose by around eleven percent compared to 2015. This corresponds to a sum of just over 2 billion $ . However, over 600 million $ are said to have been generated by online casinos that did not legally operate from the point of view of Dutch legislation. ”

France, Belgium, Luxembourg: Privatization and larger player protection

But not only in the Netherlands, but also in other countries bordering USA, there were significant developments in the respective national gaming market. It is certainly particularly worth mentioning Privatization of the lottery in France. On April 11, 2019, the French National Assembly had cleared its way for private applicants. To date, the national lottery has been completely in a state -owned hand.

How is the French lottery organized? “Until 2019, the French lottery was a purely state -organized lottery, which was operated by the state’s only legal gambling provider, the Française des Jeux (FDJ). This was possible because France had 72 percent of company shares. Since November last year, however, France has only been in possession of 21 percent of the shares. ”

The French lottery has been operated by a private company since November 2019. To enable this, however, a amendment to the law was necessary. In a considerable short time, namely within only three months, the “Ordinance on the reform of gaming regulation“Said by the French parliament.

This decision in France was considered very critically and controversially discussed in public, France’s Minister of Economy Bruno Le Maire is convinced of the privatization of the lottery and referred to the successful start of the stock market. On the first day of the IPO, half a million shares were acquired by French.

For private gambling providers certainly not quite as important, but with regard to safety and player protection but without a doubt they were very gratifying Developments in Luxembourg and Belgium in 2019. Although legislation for gambling in Luxembourg is rather restrictive, there was significantly more opportunities in the country for domestic citizens last year to test their own happiness.

In order to say the fight – especially in the inpatient area – From the only legal casino in Luxembourg Own slot machines throughout the country to serve the high demand from the population.

However, it was particularly dynamic in another country. Belgium changed national gambling legislation in 2019. Basically, the country’s gambling industry is enjoying a very liberal politics, because even online gambling is legally fully legalized there.

However, the price for this legal position is one especially strict licensing proceduresthat has now been tightened again. Only companies that have been proven to make enormous efforts to protect Belgian players will receive one of the country’s few happiness in the country in the future.