
Bet365 achieves good annual results

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Maximilian Deininger December 28, 2019

The gaming provider looks back on a positive financial year 2018/2019. The betting and game income rose by 9.7 percent compared to the previous year. During this period, marketing expenses were increased and new measures to improve the responsible gambling were implemented, which, however, did not cloud the positive results of the financial year.

Bet365 records very good numbers for the live bets and the use of mobile apps. ((©FirmBee/Pixabay)

Sports betting and online casinos as draft horses

In the past financial year, which is determined from April 1, 2018 to March 31, 2019, the more than 35 million Bet365 customers used a total of 64.49 billion pounds of sterling for sports betting. That is 22.7 percent more than in the same period last year. The revenue from the sports betting increased to the British bookmaker to £ 2.98 billion. The World Cup in Russia was a driving factor. Such major events always give the providers of sports betting great influx of betting friends.

Another factor is the growth of customer numbers. Compared to the same period last year, Bet365 Active of active customers by 23 percent record. The company has won more customers for both its sports betting and the online casino. Managing Director Denise Coates sees the reasons in the considerable investments that have flowed into the development of proprietary content and in the introduction of native apps in the most important regulated markets.

In addition, that was Offer of the sports betting revisedwhich contributed to the higher satisfaction of the customers. The Bet Builder from Bet365, which was also successful with other providers, was integrated. Customers can use this function for both ongoing games and before the games. In addition, the Build-My-Bet-Funktion Started that allows customers to create their own bets. The users of Bet365 can create individual combination bets from the existing individual bets, for example from the game result, the number of goals, the number of corners or special bets of the teams. The software then automatically calculates the odds for this build-my-bed bets.

“The live casino has developed well. In addition, the number of unique, new games that are available to customers has increased over time. As a result, the game operation of the Bet365 group experienced an improved player loyalty and thus ultimately an increase in the number of active customers in the financial year. ”Denise Coates, Chief Executive, Bet365

Costs for responsible gambling and marketing

The British bookmaker didn’t give any absolute numbers, but they made them Income from the live bets Compared to the last financial year 79 percent of the income from sports betting. This shows how popular the live bets are. An important factor for this is also the triumphal march of mobile devices, which are increasingly used for sports betting and visits to the online casino. Bet365 was able to increase the income that resulted from the mobile use of their offers by 18 percent.

The positive development could not be slowed down by the higher expenditure. According to Coates, the marketing editions of the British gaming provider have increased, especially because of the 2018 World Cup. This led due to the high sales increases not to an increase in direct costs, which has dropped by 11.5 percent to 359.8 million pounds of sterling.

Another cost factor was that Focus on the company on the improvement of player protection. For this purpose, methods were implemented that enable BET365 to recognize problematic gambling among its customers. The interaction with these players was also improved in order to introduce users to a healthier style of play. Three approaches were primarily used for this:

  • Integration of new technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning
  • Further research into player behavior
  • Better training of employees for customer

“In the coming year, the Bet365 group will continue this path and is ready to work with other gambling operators and regulatory authorities to raise the standards in the entire industry in which joint striving to make gambling for everyone more secure.”Denise Coates, Chief Executive, Bet365

Two -digit annual sur after deduction of costs

The Bet365 group is not only gambling provider, but also the owner of a football club because the Stoke City FC is owned by the Coates family. Stoke recorded an annual turnover of 82 million pounds of Sterling – despite the relegation to the second English league. Of the Total turnover of the group increased to 3.06 billion. Pound of sterling, which corresponds to an increase of 7.2 percent. After deducting the direct costs of 359.8 million pounds of Sterling, the Bet365 group implemented £ 2.7 billion in the 2018/2019 financial year.

In contrast, administrative costs for maintaining the sports betting offer and the online casino with a total height of £ 1.85 billion and the expenditure of Stoke City in the amount of £ 90.9 million. Of the Operating profit is a total of £ 758.3 millionwhich corresponds to an increase of 14.8 percent. It was therefore an extraordinarily successful year for Bet365.

“In the financial year, the British gambling provider made additional non -profit contributions of 86.3 million pounds of sterling, including a donation of £ 75 million sterling to the Denise Coates Foundation.”