
AMOSLauf 2017 in Las Vegas: MGM offers victims of $ 800 million

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Lennart folder 27. May 2019

The terrible killing spree in Las Vegas, USA, on October 2nd, 2017, in which a man from a hotel room of the Mandalay Bay Hotels killed 59 people and numerous other injured, leaves deep traces in the history of Las Vegas. The investigations and the victims’ compensation procedures are also continuing to this day. The Casino operator MGM, who is also subordinate to the Mandalay Bay Hotel, has recently told the United States authorities to pay a total of up to $ 800 million compensation for the victims of the killing spree. The background is the accusation of the inadequate protective measures of people.

The Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas is one of the most famous casinos on the strip. © pixabay

Million compensation as compensation

The killing spree in Las Vegas was one of the most devastating in the history of the United States. The video scenes of events and Pictures of the crime scene, had the inexplicable background of the crime and the extent of violence caused a sensation all over the world. But what exactly had happened?

Stephen Paddock rented a suite on the 32nd floor in the Mandalay Bay Hotel in Las Vegas on October 2nd, 2017. The 64-year-old man had equipped the hotel room with countless weapons and ammunition to shoot from the Suite window apparently indiscriminately on people who were visiting the “Route 91 Harvest”, which was taking place on the forecourt. Paddock killed at least 59 people and sometimes seriously injured 527. The incredible number of victims ensured that the killing spree entered American history as the attack of a single offender with the highest number of victims in modern times. Even soon two years after the attack, there is still a big question mark behind the motivations of the perpetrator Stephen Paddock. Current investigations were able to rule out a political or religious motive. Likewise, no letter of motivation or letter was found in which the perpetrator explained his motives. Rumors about a mental illness are circulating, but the non -existent reason of the crime is difficult for the victims.

In the event of a dispute between the victims and MGM, Debra Deshong, the spokeswoman for the casino operator, recently announced that she assumed that she assumes that the compensation pays an agreement with the applicants can be reached. The insurance company alone would have an amount of $ 751 million.

MGM Resorts directs one

There are more than 1,900 people among the victims and relatives who have sued MGM for damages since last year. The accusation that The security of the 22,000 festival goers was not sufficiently protected, aims directly at the owner and operator of the mandalay bay hotel, mgm resort. the concert area of the route 91 harvest festival is also the area of responsibility of mgm resorts. according to the applicants, the casino operator should not have happened that the gunman stephen paddock had brought numerous weapons and ammunition into his hotel room for all days and deposited them there. mgm resorts had consistently rejected the accusation at the beginning, but steered with increasing media pressure And showed the willingness to achieve an out -of -court settlement. This should now take place in the course of the payments.

The prosecutors do not agree to MGM’s compensation offer

However, lawyer Robert Eglet, who has noticed the mediation talks for a large part of the prosecutors, contradicted the proclaims of up to $ 800 million. , guides. A report about a decisive comparison range of $ 800 million would be much too early, since the amount set by MGM Not even a bit of the demands of his clients. Robert Eglet said about MGM’s statements:

”It is true that one would be possible. But in my opinion he is not very likely. Nothing has been signed yet. We still have a long way to reach an agreement. ”

The conversations with the legal representatives of the MGM resort were in full swing, said Eglet. However, he also confirmed by the spokeswoman for the casino operator, Debra Deshong, announced progress in the negotiations. According to Deshong, it is particularly important that the discrepancies are included as quickly as possible so that The processing of the terrible incident can progress faster for all those affected. as an important step towards one Agreement between the applicants and casino operators MGM Had John Chatwin from the Centurion Insurance Services in Henderson said that the prosecutors would first have to be divided into groups that are based, for example, according to the severity of the injuries. Chatwin said:

”Someone who is paraplegic will need more medical help than someone who has only broken something. I do not try to small the extent of the trauma caused in this incident and I also know that there was also psychological damage and damage to spouses and relatives. ”

The number of people affected by the attack is quite low compared to the abundance of applicants who are only slightly affected. The number of applicants, which is slightly affected, quickly increases. According to Chatwin, would already make up for the legal fees half of the amount of damages. When and whether an agreement can be reached is still in the stars. The negotiations can still take a long time. However, there is hope on both sides that an agreement can be reached by the end of the year with which both sides can live. Then the victims of the killing spree could finally fully devote themselves to the processing of their trauma.