New agreement on gambling advertising in Schleswig-Holstein
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The Saarland had banned TV advertising for online casinos, now Schleswig-Holstein and the Central Association of the American Advertising Industry (ZAW) discussed. The American Association for Telecommunications and Media (DVTM) recently published this news. In the future, the regulation of television advertising for online gambling via a self-regulatory model should take place. From then on, all interest parties want to ensure that online casino commercials are broadcast in relatively frequency.
Saarland State Media Agency is proceeding against online casinos
Already in the months of April and May there were some Europe -wide Changes regarding central regulations for the broadcast and content of advertising for online gambling were carried out – and that For all media formats.
Nevertheless, disputes still exist in USA. In the recent case it was about TV sports for online casinos, which are only licensed in the state of Schleswig-Holstein, whose television advertising were also received in other federal states, for example in Saarland.
TV advertising knows no national borders. Technically, regional limitation of TV advertising is generally possible, but hardly implemented in practice. TV broadcasters would have to do without advertising in fact in order to be able to ensure that individual commercials cannot be seen across national borders within USA. Currently, online casinos are only legal in Schleswig-Holstein anyway. On the state’s website, eleven officially licensed online casino providers are currently listed, which almost all regularly broadcast TV advertising on television. However, the Saarland’s injunctive relief only refers to two online casinos, the names of which have not yet been published.
die State government in Saarland reacted promptly with an injunction. Government representatives and politicians have been a louder critics for a long time who have pleaded to severely restrict or even prohibit TV advertising for online casinos.
At least it must be ensured that advertising content from online casino providers could only be seen where online casinos can be legally active according to the current legal status and, accordingly, can also switch TV advertising. However, this is only the case in Schleswig-Holstein.
“The LMS has therefore decided to take steps so that the goal of gambling addiction to gambling addiction is not endangered, especially in Corona times, so that the current Game State Treaty is valid.” – Ruth Meyer, Press release 17/20 of the Saarland State Media Institute
Self -regulation as an ultima ratio?
In order to make future disputes off from the outset, the American Association for Telecommunications and Media And the Interior Ministry of Schleswig-Holstein is now intensively busy with possibilities, as without too restrictive measures A regulation and legally legal charisma of TV advertising holds for online casinos can be guaranteed. The more or less simple answer to the meeting is: through self -regulation.
According to the new model, the Maximum advertising time for online casino providers on television limited to 17,000 minutes will. In view of the relatively small number of commercials, this number would still mean plenty of advertising time for online casinos.
die Compliance with all new rules should then be monitored by the DVTM, whereby the results of this monitoring at cyclical intervals are to be forwarded to the gambling supervisory authority in Schleswig-Holstein. In the event of violations, the supervisory authority should intervene and be authorized to issue sanctions against responsible online casino providers.
“The present model of self-regulation for the nationwide TV advertising of online casinos is stringent and can be easily checked based on neutral-raised media data by Nielsen Media Research. Absolute transparency and fairness are therefore preserved for all sides. It has already led to the advertising time of the licensed online casinos from Schleswig-Holstein on nationwide television since 2019 and has also not increased in the Corona period. ” – Dr. Andreas Blue,
In order to ensure transparency, the DVTM wants to Collect objective and neutral data records, which are also to be made available to other authorities and institutions. In this way, one wants to avoid critical tones from the outset or at least have the possibility of being able to put arguments adequately and factual arguments against critics.