
Knossi: No more casino streams

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Peter Brandt January 15, 2021

The famous casinos streamer “Knossi” will no longer stream his activities in online casinos. On his YouTube channel, he informed his community to turn his back on the online gambling from this year and to advertise no casinos or other forms of gambling. In his statement, he let the viewers know that he had carefully overwhelmed his decision and that it was time to leave this part of his internet personality behind. “Knossi” had been able to build an immense range on the Twitch streaming platform due to its casino activities.

Knossi regularly played a wide variety of slots in his casino streams. ((© Aidahahowe / Pilayay)

The end of an era

The triumphal march of the online gambling in the digital age was able to achieve new hemispheres with the streaming platform Twitch. Primarily designed for content from the gaming scene, the website has been able to generate enormous growth outside the primary target group in recent years. In addition to classic gaming streams, it is primarily the area of online gambling that became increasingly popular with the spectators. Jens Knossalla aka “Knossi” is still the draft horse of the scene today the intoxication and the tension of the online casinos combined with his skills as an entertainer. A mixture that was incredibly well received by his viewers and made him become the largest and most famous casino streamer in USA.

Largest casino streamer. On Twitch, Knossi has built up a gigantic number of followers with his casino streams. Around 1.5 million users follow his channel “Teealknossi”, where he also streams his activities in online casinos but other formats such as a talent show or live events.

But now Knossi, who is a livestreamer through various television formats and as a poker commentator and before his time Moderator Awareness gained, a final line was drawn and will be in the future No more casino streams on his Twitch channel demonstrate. In his statement, he said that the step was not easy for him and that he had carefully considered the decision.

Criticism of casino streams

The main reason for the drastic cut is the growing criticism of casino streams, which has been fired particularly media in recent months. In October 2020, the television program “Frontal 21” devoted itself to the topic and reported on the alleged dangers of gambling streams. The reporting focused explicitly on Knossi. Just a month later, the casino streamer also got into the crossfire of the well-known Satiriker’s Jan Böhmermann, who criticized the lack of role model for young people in his program “ZDF Magazin Royale”.

In his statement, Knossi picked up the growing and persistent criticism of his actions online. He knew about his reach and with it associated responsibility. He never wanted to be seen as a role model. Despite his warning words, people would not listen to him:

“It is simple, [..] no matter how often I said, no matter how often I say ‘it doesn’t make it at home, look at here when we turn here’, […] It doesn’t matter, it always doesn’t matter there Give outside, who think ‘this is definitely not bad if he does it’. […] I just don’t do that anymore. “Jens Knossa aka Knossi, Live streamer on Twitch, Official statement on the YouTube channel “Knossi”

In his opinion, he is always responsible with the topic of gambling and Real money online casinos handled. Real money deals with casino providers never existed. He also never covered logos from a certain side in his streams. He only advertised social gaming apps for smartphones and mobile devices.

Poker & Future Plans

The decision with the casino streams was very positively received by Knossis Community. Many of the reactions were understanding, some even spoke congratulations and gratitude. Although online casinos and slots will no longer be part of his content, the Twitch streamer remains the game of chance at least in one area: Poker. In the past, the famous card game was its figurehead. Both as a player and as a moderator, he shared his Passion for playing poker With fans and spectators. In this respect, he will remain true to his roots.

Loss of range? With the deletion of the casino streams, Knossi takes a step in front of which most content creators and influencers would shy away. He cuts the supposedly largest crowd puller. However, the self -proclaimed “King of the Internet” indicated that he had never interpreted it for reach. Spectators should only turn on their stream if they enjoy the content shown. No matter what kind of this may be.

In addition to Poker, Knossi also wants to concentrate on other projects in the future that will primarily go towards entertainment. Especially the Production of new shows Be planned. TV shows on gambling are likely to be excluded, like them Produced by the provider became. The former casino streamer did not provide specific information in his statement, but he has recently proven how successful such formats can be. The “Angel Camp” and the “Christmas Camp” reached an enormous number of spectators on Twitch and partially broke records.