Gaming company per climate protection
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Environmental and climate protection is an important topic for 80 percent of American gaming companies. This was announced by the Association of the American Games Branch Game in a press release. The association came to this result after a survey by the American gaming companies. Environmental and climate protection should not only be asserted, but also implemented by companies. That is why the association is preceded as a good role model and has joined the playing for the Planet Alliance. This brings with it some obligations.
Great anticipation
That Gambling is booming worldwide, also in the gaming area. Companies in the industry, also in USA, write million profits. At the same time, with all economic success, the question of Green footprints of the companies in importance. This was the result of a recent survey by the Association of the American Games Branch Game among American Gaming companies.
The results were first published at a general meeting and then via the press release. This showed that the commitment of gaming companies in the field of environmental and climate protection has already increased significantly and is very important. Participating companies come to the survey From all areas of the gaming industry. They include publishers, developers, service providers, e-sports organizers and educational institutions.
Commitment of the gaming industry for environmental and climate protection. Environmental and climate protection is now the focus of almost every company and is a permanent topic in the media. No wonder that advertised climate neutrality can not only be achieved with words. The companies in the gaming industry in USA are also aimed at concrete measures for sustainable behavior. In addition to basic steps such as waste separation, the use of green electricity is also of great importance. It is also an attempt to keep heating and energy consumption low. Some companies even rely on a green footprint that independent departments or working groups are founded, which deal exclusively with green concepts for the company. Elsewhere, sustainable measures are discussed and decided directly in management.
Association goes on with a good example
The review and measurement of environmental and climate protection measures are on the one hand, your own activities on the other. That is why Game is also a good example, as managing director Felix Falk emphasized. Your own contribution to Environmental and climate protectionthat the gaming industry could do is very large. Every company can go through Sustainable management contribute to entirety. The individual measures are diverse and could range from environmentally friendly packaging concepts to thematization and focus on environmental and climate protection in the games themselves. Managing Director Falk continued:
“As a games industry, we are aware of the enormous social challenge through climate change and work in various ways to make our contribution. This ranges from a more sustainable economy in games development, goes to environmentally friendly packaging concepts to the theme of environmental and climate protection in the games themselves in order to sensitize this. Environmental and climate protection is also particularly important to us as a game association. That is why we examined and optimized our work processes so that we now work climate -neutral in the office itself. Sustainability and environmental protection are decisive social issues in which it is important to us as a games industry to continue to contribute our part with further projects and ideas in the future. ”– Felix Falk, Managing Director of the Association of the American Games Branch Game, Official press release from the Association of the American Games Branch Game
Step to measure your own effects on the climate
The Association of the American Games Branch Game not only leaves it in words and isolated deeds, but also draws attention to itself worldwide. Game also joined the Playing for the Planet Alliance and has become an Associate Member. This is a Additional signal of the association for environmental and climate protection. Finally, joining Allianz means an obligation to environmental and climate protection for all members. This includes measuring your own effects on the climate and the implementation of all measures until a complete climate neutrality is achieved.
Playing For The Planet Alliance. The origin of Playing for the Planet Alliance is the climate summit in the UN headquarters in New York in 2019. By joining the Allianz to support the global environmental agenda through various initiatives. This includes, for example, planting millions of trees or reducing plastic. The range of alliance is remarkable. Overall, over a billion players can be reached.
The playing for the Planet Alliance also contains Numerous company sizes in the gaming industry. They include Unity, Creative Mobil, Microsoft, Google Stadia, Game Duel, Rovio Entertainment Corporation, Twitch, Ubisoft, Sony Interactive Entertainment (Sie) and Green Man Gaming.